The function of protein

  Protein is the “building material” of organisms and cells, such as protein in muscles, and human hair and nails are all made of protein.In order to facilitate users to have a better experience, recombinant proteins Many attempts have been made to upgrade the products, and the results are also very good, and the market performance tends to be in a good state.


  Catalytic function:


  The chemical essence of most enzymes in organisms is protein. In our daily life, we also use enzyme-added washing powder, which can effectively remove stains.


  Immune function:


  In our present environment, there are bacteria and viruses everywhere, and our body will not get sick every three days with an immune system, and immune proteins, such as antibodies, play a key role in this.


  Transport function:


  Protein with transport function can be divided into two categories, one is familiar to us-hemoglobin in red blood cells, which is used to transport oxygen; The other is the carrier protein on biofilm, which is used to transport amino acids, glucose and other substances.


  Adjustment function:


  Some protein can transmit information and regulate the life activities of the body. Such as insulin, which regulates glucose metabolism.