A landslide occurred in Papua New Guinea_ about 100 people died_ and more than 6 villages were affected

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On the 24th local time, Sandis Saka, governor of Enga Province, Papua New Guinea, publicly issued a document saying that the landslide that occurred in the province in the early morning of the day was an unprecedented natural disaster that caused huge losses to property and human lives. The landslide affected more than six villages in the province, and it is not yet possible to calculate specific losses.

Sandis Saka expressed sympathy to local communities and families, as well as to the people affected by the disaster and the victims.

Sandis Saka said that the Nga provincial government deployed a Rapid Incident Response Service team to the scene that morning to carry out rescue work and conduct a rapid assessment of the extent of local damage. The team is composed of officials from the Provincial Disaster Relief Office, Provincial Health Bureau, Police, Papua New Guinea Defense Force, and international organizations based in Papua New Guinea such as the Office of International Migration and the United Nations Development Program.

At about 3 a.m. local time on the 24th, a village in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea suffered a landslide. Local residents said the estimated death toll exceeded 100. Authorities have not yet confirmed the number of casualties. (General reporter Liu Zhimin)

Russian media_ Trump will talk to Putin__no middleman_

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According to a report by TASS on July 16, a senior Republican official attending the Republican National Convention told TASS reporters that Trump was prepared to hold a dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin on resolving the Russia-Ukraine conflict without any middleman.

The report said that when answering a question about whether Republican presidential candidate Trump was prepared to start a dialogue with Putin on the Ukraine issue, the senior Republican Party official stressed: There is no doubt that he will start a dialogue with Putin, and there will be no middleman.

He said: Right now, the Democratic Party is not engaged in any negotiations with Russia. Of course, one person should start negotiations so that you (Russia and Ukraine) can reach some kind of agreement. When asked if the person was Trump, he gave an affirmative answer.

The senior Republican official believes that NATO should not appear in Ukraine and that the conflict should be resolved through negotiations. He said: NATO should not be present in Ukraine. There is a need for dialogue, and if dialogue opens, we can reach an agreement on how to resolve the (Ukraine) conflict.

According to reports, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov emphasized that Russia remains open to any dialogue on Ukraine issues, including dialogue involving intermediaries, provided that Russia’s own goals must be achieved. On June 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed conditions for mediating the situation in Ukraine, including the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from places such as Donbas and Zaporozhye, and Kiev’s abandonment of joining NATO. In addition, Russia believes that the West should lift all sanctions against Russia and establish Ukraine’s non-aligned and non-nuclear status. (Compiled by Zhu Lifeng)

South Korean government announces the results of expansion of medical schools and the Korean medical community continues to oppose it

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According to a report by Yonhap News Agency on March 20, the South Korean government officially announced on the 20th the results of the allocation of 2000 places to expand the enrollment of 2000 students in the national medical school year. As a result, the medical school enrollment expansion plan has been settled in 27 years. In order to expand local medical infrastructure, the government will allocate 82% of the new places to non-capital area colleges and universities, and the remaining 18% will be allocated to Gyeonggi Province and Incheon areas. The number of schools in Seoul will remain unchanged.

Minister of Education Lee Zhouhao announced the results of the allocation of enrollment places for medical schools in the 2025 academic year, including the above contents, at the Central Government’s Seoul Office Building on the same day. The Ministry of Education received applications for medical school enrollment quotas from 40 universities across the country from February 22 to March 4. After that, it discussed with experts through the Expansion Allocation Committee and released the results.

The results show that the 27 university medical schools in non-capital areas will expand enrollment by 1639 students, accounting for 82% of the total enrollment expansion. At present, the number of students enrolled in non-capital medical schools is 2023, accounting for 662% of the national medical school enrollment scale (3058 students), and will increase to 3662 starting next year, accounting for 724% of the total enrollment scale.

In the Capital Region, the government has allocated 361 expanded enrollment places to five universities in Gyeonggi Province and Incheon City with enrollment sizes of less than 50 students, but the eight universities in Seoul have zero new places.

The Ministry of Education explained that the allocation of quotas is mainly considered to alleviate the imbalance between medical resources in the capital and non-capital areas, so that citizens can enjoy high-quality medical services in any region. The allocation committee comprehensively considered the materials submitted by each institution, educational conditions and future plans, and contribution to regions and essential medical care.

This is the government’s expansion of the enrollment scale of medical schools in 27 years. Analysts believe that although the medical profession still strongly resists the enrollment expansion policy through collective resignations, the government announced the allocation results on the same day, and the enrollment of medical students has been settled. The Ministry of Education plans to work with relevant departments to improve medical education conditions and provide support for institutions to hire professors and expand facilities.

An oil_carrying barge crashed into a bridge in Texas_ USA

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Houston, May 15 (Reporter Xu Jianmei) The municipal authority of Galveston, an island city in eastern Texas, said on the 15th that a barge hit a local bridge that day, causing a fuel leak and damage to the bridge.

The bridge involved was the only land route to Pelican Island north of Galveston. David Flores, head of bridge affairs for the Galveston County Navigation District, said that due to strong water and high waves, a tugboat from Texas International Port lost control of two refueling barges it was driving, one of which hit the bridge pillar.

Aerial footage showed that part of the bridge pillars collapsed, and large pieces of broken concrete and rail fragments hung on one side of the bridge and fell onto the barge.

After the accident, the bridge, which was opened in 1960, was closed. Galveston City Authority said in a statement that no injuries had been reported. The accident caused a fuel leak in the Gulf of Mexico, and the U.S. Coast Guard will determine the extent of the leak and initiate control and cleanup procedures.

Galveston County spokesman Spencer Lewis said the barge could carry 30,000 gallons of oil (about 113.55 million liters). It was unclear how much leaked into the bay. About 105 kilometers of waterways around the incident were closed.

Texas A & M University at Galveston on Pelican Island said the accident caused a brief power outage at the school and power has now been restored.

According to US media reports, American ship collisions with bridges have occurred frequently in the past few months. On March 26, a container cargo ship crashed into a bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, in the eastern United States and collapsed, killing six people. On April 12 and 13 on the Ohio River near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 26 inland river barges separated from their moorings due to floods and drifted uncontrollably, when one hit a bridge that had been closed. On May 9, a large barge broke loose from a tugboat on the Mississippi River flowing through Iowa and sank after hitting the nearly century-old Fort Madison Bridge.

Russia announced that more than 9000 people will participate in the Victory Day Red Square parade

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According to a report by Russian Satellite News Agency on March 20, Russian Defense Minister General Shoigu said at a meeting of the Russian Defense Ministry Committee that more than 9000 people, including participants in special military operations, 75 weapons and military equipment, and Air Force troops will participate in the Victory Day parade held in Moscow on May 9.

The report quoted Shoigu as saying: Let’s discuss the preparations for the Red Square parade to commemorate the 79th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War. The military parade will dispatch more than 9000 people, 75 pieces of weapons and equipment, and Air Force troops.

The report also said that representatives of various arms, regiments, battalions, companies of troops, special military operations participants, Suvorov Military Academy, Nakhimov Naval Academy, Secondary Military Academy, Music School, Youth Army, Female Soldiers, Cossacks and Joint Military Band will appear in the queue.

Shoigu pointed out that military parades will be held in 28 cities across the country in 2024. More than 50,000 people and about 1000 samples of weapons and military equipment will participate in the parade.

Thai monkeys fight in the middle of the road and the government is trying to sterilize monkeys to control their population

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Phapuri Province is located in central Thailand. In the past, monkeys in the Laocheng District lived together with humans, which was a major feature of the local area. However, due to human feeding and other reasons, the number of monkeys grew rapidly.

General reporter Yang Tanli: According to statistics, there are now more than 2,000 monkeys in the Laocheng District of Huafuli. Due to the large number of monkeys in Laocheng District, conflicts often occur between different monkey groups, and conflicts often occur in the middle of the main road, causing traffic accidents. At the suggestion of local people, we put on helmets, gloves and umbrellas, because monkey biting incidents often occur here.

Shop owners in local Laocheng District: The number of monkeys is increasing, and there are more and more troubles. The most serious thing is causing motorcycles to overturn.

General reporter Yang Tanli: There is an abandoned building here. Can you imagine that this was once one of the most popular shopping malls in the area, but now it has also become the home of monkeys?

Currently, local governments and animal protection agencies are trying to control the number of monkeys by neutering them.

Su Tipong, a staff member of the National Wildlife Conservation Administration of Thailand: We have sterilized 80% of the monkeys in the accident-prone area of Laocheng District of Hafuri. The city government is currently building a monkey garden to house these monkeys.

In addition, the National Wildlife Conservation Administration of Thailand has also launched a compensation plan to provide residents with compensation of 30,000 to 100,000 baht (about 6000 yuan to 20000 yuan) for damage caused by monkeys.

General reporter Yang Tanli: During the interview, according to our observation, residents of Huafuri will only symbolically drive away monkeys when attacked, and will not really harm the monkeys. A resident told us that monkeys have been in Huafuli longer than many people and there is no reason to drive them away. The local government has also set up special feeding points and drinking points for monkeys, and residents will often help feed them. There is even a Monkey Festival to prepare a sumptuous meal for monkeys. But it is precisely because monkeys have no natural enemies and food pressure that the reproduction rate becomes very fast. The local government is also stepping up the construction of a special monkey protection base so that residents and monkey groups can have their own living space.

South Korea does not plan to compromise on doctors _strike_ South Korean government is ready to fight to the end

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The medical profession in South Korea has been playing a game with the government for more than half a month, the general election is just around the corner, and the doctors’ strike is escalating.

According to Yonhap news agency quoted by the Global Times, 430 professors from Seoul University School of Medicine attended the meeting on the 11th to issue an ultimatum: if the government does not come up with a sincere and reasonable solution to the situation of interns and residents’ collective resignation, all professors will submit their resignations on the 18th. South Korean media commented that the medical front line is likely to fall into greater chaos.

The South Korean government does not intend to compromise, and responded on the 12th, expressing serious concern about this. South Korean President Yoon Yue issued a directive on the 12th, calling for the rapid promotion of health care reform measures, including expanding the enrollment of medical schools, in accordance with the principles.

In addition, the South Korean government has sent license revocation notices to nearly 5000 doctors who refused to return to work, and decided to send 20 military medical officers and 138public health doctors to 20 hospitals from the same day to meet their urgent needs.

With the intensification of aging, the demand for medical resources in Korean society is increasing day by day. The South Korean government announced plans to expand the enrollment of medical students in early February: the enrollment of medical schools in colleges and universities increased from 3058 at this stage to 5058 in the 2025 academic year. According to South Korean health authorities, if the current enrollment scale remains unchanged, there will be a shortfall of 150000 South Korean doctors by 2035.

But the plan to expand enrollment has drawn strong opposition from doctors’ groups and medical students. They believe that the move will lead to excessive health care, strain the funding of the health care system, and lead to a decline in the quality of medical education. Moreover, South Korea lacks the mechanism to regulate the choice of departments for medical graduates, and blindly increases the number of medical students, which will lead to the accumulation of medical resources in big cities. Some medical staff are also worried that the plan to expand enrollment will lead to a reduction in the income of doctors.

Recently, medical professors at a number of South Korean universities are planning to resign collectively. On the 7th of this month, the Emergency response Committee of the Association of professors of Ulsan University Medical College agreed that the professor would submit his resignation on his own. The Association of Professors of Yonsei University School of Medicine set up an emergency response committee on the 12th, and the Association of professors of Cheng Junkuan University School of Medicine held a meeting on the same day. The School of Medicine of Katuli University will meet this week to discuss whether to take collective action.

In response to the possible collective resignation of medical professors, Oval Office officials insisted that since the president demanded rapid progress in accordance with principles, even professors were no exception for collective actions that left the front line of health care in violation of the Medical Law.

As of the 11th, the South Korean government has sent advance notice of administrative sanctions such as revocation of medical licenses to 5556 interns and residents who have left their posts.

Cao Guihong, head of South Korea’s Ministry of Health and Welfare, said at a meeting on the 12th that the decision of the professor’s collective resignation from the Medical College of Seoul University threatened the lives and health of patients, and that the government would do its utmost to maintain the emergency diagnosis and treatment response system and solve the problem of disorder in the medical scene. He called on professors to protect the lives of patients and work with the government to bring outgoing internships and residents back to the medical front line.

On the 12th, the faculty of Seoul University School of Medicine proposed a compromise. They held a press conference in the Korean National Assembly, saying that both the government and the Korean Physicians Association should abandon their inherent position and entrust overseas authorities and institutions recognized by all parties to analyze South Korea’s health and medical indexes. and according to the results of the analysis to decide whether to increase the number of medical school enrollment, at the same time to build a dialogue mechanism with the participation of the government, medical association, government and opposition, national representatives, professors, internships and residents. Formulate practical basic medical, community and public health policies in the coming year.

However, according to Yonhap news agency, an official from the South Korean President’s Office confirmed on the 12th that the plan to expand the enrollment of medical schools by 2000 students a year will not be adjusted. This figure is scientific, and the government’s determination to promote health care reform has not changed.

Less than a month before South Korea’s parliamentary election on April 10, South Korea’s ruling party has regained a lot of support for its policy of expanding enrollment in medical schools. The results of an opinion poll released by Gallup in South Korea on March 8 showed that the good rate of President Yoon Yue’s administration performance was 39%, and the bad rate was 54%. As for the reasons for praise, the answer to the expansion of medical school enrollment accounted for the largest proportion, accounting for 28%, followed by prompt decision, courage and perseverance (9%). According to an opinion poll released by the agency on February 23, Yin Yue’s good evaluation rate was 34%, and the poor evaluation rate was 58%.

For this protracted standoff, some Japanese media commented that the demand for reconciliation in South Korea is growing day by day. Doctors and the government should not be in the boxing ring. People’s patience is disappearing. We must find a way out of this quagmire through dialogue.

The Chinese Embassy in Japan reminds Chinese citizens in Japan to guard against _minor crimes_

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On May 22, the Chinese Embassy in Japan issued a document reminding Chinese citizens in Japan to guard against minor crimes.

Japan implemented the “Minor Offences Law” in 1948, which stipulates clear penalties for 33 seemingly minor acts but may have adverse effects on public order. Some foreign tourists have been punished for not understanding the relevant laws. The Chinese Embassy in Japan summarized the behaviors that were easily ignored and reminded Chinese citizens in Japan and tourists coming to Japan to take precautions.

1. Unauthorized sneaking into unguarded houses, buildings or ships, or entering prohibited places, other people’s fields, disaster or crime scenes without authorization.

2. Carry without authorization knives, iron bars and other instruments that can harm others or tools that can be used to invade other people’s homes.

3. Refusing to obey the instructions of public officials or rescue personnel in special circumstances such as earthquakes, fires, and traffic accidents.

4. Make a fire in flammable places such as forests or near flammable materials such as gasoline.

5. Post advertisements and notices in other people’s homes without authorization, or remove or deface other people’s logos at will.

6. Declaring that he holds public office, title, degree at home and abroad, or wears legal uniforms or similar clothing that is incompatible with his identity.

7. Playing pranks at public or private ceremonies and hindering the ceremony.

8. Make noise that hinders others and refuse to correct it. Obstructing others from walking normally, or stalking others is disturbing.

9. Jumping in line in public places, being rude in words and deeds, spitting everywhere, and turning off sign lights or street lights for no reason.

10. Throw away garbage and waste at will.

All of the above acts are suspected of violating the “Minor Offences Law” and may be subject to fines, detention and other penalties. Chinese citizens in Japan are requested to abide by Chinese and Japanese laws, respect local religious beliefs and customs, and protect themselves. In case of emergency, report the case to the Japanese police in a timely manner and contact the embassy or consulate in Japan for help.

Japan alarm:110, 03-3501-0110 (Chinese), you can call #9110 overseas

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Global Consular Protection and Services Emergency Hotline (24-hour):+86-10-12308,+86-10-65612308

Consular protection and assistance from the Embassy in Japan: +81-3-6450-2195

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Osaka: +81-6-6445-9427

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Fukuoka: +81-92-753-6483

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Sapporo: +81-11-513-5335

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Nagasaki: +81-95-849-3311

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Nagoya: +81-52-932-1036

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in New Zealand: +81-25-228-8888

(General reporter Yao Ruixin)

Biden_ _It_s not me who has a problem in the brain_

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According to the Associated Press reported on March 17, U.S. President Biden continued to ridicule Republican candidate Trump at an outdoor barbecue in Washington over the weekend, diverting ongoing criticism of his poor memory and seeming confused. He emphasized that 77-year-old Trump also makes mistakes.

Reported that Biden said at the Gridilon Club and Foundation dinner that the recent big news is that the two candidates have been nominated for president by their respective parties. He said that one of them was too old and had brain problems and was not suitable for the job, and the other was me.

Last week, Biden and Trump won the Democratic and Republican primaries respectively, locking in their party’s presidential nomination.

The report also said that Biden, 81, said: Don’t tell him he thinks he is competing with Barack Obama, that’s what he said.

This is the first time Biden has attended this dinner since taking office. The 2024 U.S. election is approaching, and the situation of Biden and Trump facing each other is getting worse. (Compiled by Yang Xinpeng)

New study_ Antarctic ice shelf melt water much higher than previously predicted

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Beijing, July 17: An international study recently found that in January, when the Antarctic summer temperature is the highest, 57% of the melt water on the Antarctic ice shelf exists in the form of snow and mud. However, under normal circumstances, regional climate change models do not include This part of the melt water is calculated. This means that the amount of melt water on the Antarctic ice shelf is much higher than previously predicted.

Researchers from the University of Cambridge and other institutions in the United Kingdom published an article in the latest issue of Nature Geoscience that they trained machine learning models to analyze the monthly surface melt water records of 57 Antarctic continental ice shelves between 2013 and 2021. As well as mapping the snow and mud of the Antarctic ice shelf, it was found that in January, when the temperature in the Antarctic summer was the highest, 57% of the melt water on the Antarctic ice shelf existed in the form of snow mud, which is, snow soaked in water. The rest of the meltwater exists in surface ponds and lakes.

Researchers said that people usually use satellite images to map meltwater, but from the images, only meltwater lakes, etc. can be identified with the naked eye, and snow and mud are difficult to identify because it looks like the shadows of clouds. Machine learning models can use more satellite information such as light wavelengths to determine which areas are named snow and mud, making it possible to more accurately measure the amount of water melted on the ice shelf.

The study found that in the five major ice shelf areas, the amount of water melted on the Antarctic ice shelf caused by surface melt water was 28 times higher than predicted by standard climate models.

The surface melting of the Antarctic ice shelf mainly occurs in the summer of the southern hemisphere. Whether it is slush or melt water existing in surface ponds or lakes, it will affect the stability of the ice shelf and lead to sea level rise.