Must see for international students! Send a list of good things to save money until you cry

  Dear future international students, the excitement and anxiety of stepping into a foreign land coexist, especially the concern that the high prices abroad will make the already limited living expenses even more difficult?In order to facilitate users to have a better experience, freight agents Many attempts have been made to upgrade the products, and the results are also very good, and the market performance tends to be in a good state.


  Don’t be afraid, FLY has prepared a series of recommended mailing items for you to study abroad, making your study abroad journey easy and comfortable!


  Lifestyle category:


  Conversion plug: Different countries have different socket standards. With a few conversion plugs, your electronic devices can seamlessly connect to foreign power sources, avoiding the embarrassment of “power shortage”.


  Paper drawer and storage box: Although they can also be purchased abroad, the price is often expensive. Sending in advance is both economical and environmentally friendly, and can also be selected according to personal preferences, improving the quality of life.


  Garbage bags and slippers: These small items may seem inconspicuous, but they are indispensable in daily life. There are various varieties and affordable prices in China, making it a must-have item in study abroad luggage.


  Glasses: Especially for friends with vision needs, foreign glasses are not only expensive, but may also face language communication barriers. Prepare spare glasses in advance, which is both worry free and cost-effective.


  international students


  Food category:


  Potato chips, Luosifen, instant noodles: These snacks not only satisfy your Chinese stomach, but also are the best choice to alleviate homesickness. Although substitutes can be found abroad, the taste is always slightly inferior.


  Hotpot seasoning and rice noodles: On weekends, make a few friends and cook a authentic Chinese hotpot or rice noodle dish by yourself. It’s warm and satisfying, instantly bringing you closer to your hometown.


  Spicy sauce: For friends who enjoy spicy food, a bottle of hometown style spicy sauce is the best seasoning for overseas life. Every bite is the taste of home, bringing comfort to homesickness.


  international students


  Accessories category:


  Contact lenses, false eyelashes, and wearing armor: These beauty accessories can help you maintain your personality and fashion even in a foreign land, and there are many choices in China with obvious price advantages.


  Phone case and earring necklace: compact and lightweight, easy to carry, and replaceable at any time, allowing you to showcase your unique charm in different occasions


  Electrical appliances:


  Rice cookers and kettles: Cooking Chinese food by oneself is both healthy and economical. Domestic brands are diverse and fully functional, making them more affordable than purchasing from abroad.


  Folding washing machine: For international students with limited living space, folding washing machines are simply a miracle tool, easily solving the problem of changing laundry.


  Electric boiling pot and hair dryer: multifunctional electric boiling pot with one pot and multiple uses, convenient and fast; Hair dryers are essential tools for daily hair care, and choosing domestic brands offers high cost-effectiveness.


  international students


  If you are not used to life/food when studying abroad, you can transfer more daily necessities and snacks abroad, so that you won’t be so painful at the beginning!

What Is a Biodegradable T-shirt Bags_

  Biodegradable vest bags are an innovative type of plastic bag crafted from degradable plastic materials. Unlike traditional plastic bags, biodegradable vest bags offer superior degradation performance and a significantly reduced environmental impact.Traditional plastic bags are typically made from synthetic plastics such as polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene (PP). These materials can take hundreds of years to fully degrade, leading to severe environmental pollution. The persistent nature of these plastics means they accumulate in the environment, causing harm to wildlife and ecosystems.Under people’s attention biodegradable mailing bags Finally grow into what people need, born for the market and come for the demand.


  1. What Makes Biodegradable Vest Bags Different?


  Biodegradable vest bags are made from materials such as starch derivatives or polylactic acid (PLA), which can degrade much more rapidly under natural conditions. This swift degradation process helps to lessen the environmental burden significantly. The production process for biodegradable vest bags is similar to that of traditional vest bags, featuring a hollow structure that makes it easy to load shopping items. These bags are versatile and suitable for various uses, including shopping and food packaging.



  2. Performance and Environmental Benefits


  Biodegradable vest bags perform similarly to traditional vest bags in terms of durability and functionality. However, their environmental benefits are substantial. After use, these bags can be broken down into water, carbon dioxide, and biomass by microorganisms, water, and oxygen in the natural environment. This degradation process happens relatively quickly and does not pollute the soil or water bodies. Moreover, biodegradable vest bags meet both national and international environmental protection standards, aligning with the principles of sustainable development.


  3. Production Considerations


  While biodegradable vest bags offer many environmental advantages, there are some considerations to keep in mind. The production of these bags can result in relatively high carbon emissions due to the significant amount of energy consumed during the manufacturing process. Additionally, biodegradable vest bags require specific environmental conditions to degrade effectively. Without proper treatment and suitable degradation conditions, they can still have a negative impact on the environment.



  4. Responsible Use and Disposal


  To maximize the environmental benefits of biodegradable vest bags, it is essential to use and dispose of them responsibly. Proper handling and ensuring they are subjected to appropriate degradation conditions are crucial for minimizing their environmental impact.




  Biodegradable vest bags represent a significant advancement in the quest for environmentally friendly packaging solutions. They address the critical issue of plastic pollution by offering a more sustainable alternative to traditional plastic bags. However, to fully leverage their environmental benefits, it is important to use these bags responsibly and ensure they are disposed of under suitable conditions. By doing so, biodegradable vest bags can play a pivotal role in reducing the environmental footprint of plastic waste and promoting sustainable practices.

China emphasizes that eliminating armed conflicts is the greatest protection for civilians

In addition to these aspects, LANA電子煙 The performance in other aspects is also relatively good, which has attracted everyone’s attention and research.

United Nations, May 21: Fu Cong, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, delivered a speech at the Security Council open debate on the protection of civilians in armed conflict on the 21st, emphasizing that the elimination of armed conflict is the greatest protection for civilians.

Fu Cong said that saving lives in armed conflicts is certainly a noble goal, but it must be noted that as long as the conflict does not subside, civilian lives will be threatened at any time. At the same time, we must not forget that the primary responsibility of the Security Council is to maintain international peace and security. The Gaza conflict, which has lasted for more than seven months, has caused unprecedented civilian casualties and humanitarian disasters, and the lives of the millions of people currently gathering for refuge in Rafah are at risk. The Security Council should make promoting an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire a top priority. To this end, further action should be taken to urge Israel to immediately stop collective punishment of the Palestinian people and stop advancing its military offensive against Rafah, so as to give the people hope for survival.

Fu Cong said that international humanitarian law is the bottom line that must be jointly observed. The Security Council should continue to safeguard the authority of international humanitarian law and ensure its universal and uniform application. Double standards and selective application of humanitarian law are unacceptable and are tantamount to condoning more illegal activities in disguise.

Fu Cong said that attention should be paid to responding to the outstanding challenges brought by the proliferation of small arms and light weapons and the development of autonomous weapon systems. China calls for strengthening global governance of the arms trade, combating the illegal transfer of small arms and light weapons, and calls on all countries not to provide weapons to non-state entities. The risks of artificial intelligence and autonomous weapon systems as means of warfare are rising and deserve great attention. Countries should adhere to the principles of putting people first and intelligence for good to ensure that artificial intelligence is always under human control. China supports the formulation of a legally binding international instrument around lethal autonomous weapon systems.

Fu Cong said that improving the governance capabilities of countries involved in conflicts is the fundamental solution. When dealing with conflict situations, the international community should take systematic measures to support countries parties to conflicts in effectively enhancing their national defense, public security and counter-terrorism capabilities. At the same time, it is necessary to help the countries concerned accelerate development and gradually resolve the deep-seated causes of conflicts. China is willing to continue to work with the international community to make unremitting efforts to eliminate the scourge of war as soon as possible and ensure the happiness and tranquility of the people.

Israeli military says four Hamas commanders were killed

As can be seen from the new data, LANA電子煙 The market influence is also growing, and the product share is also relatively increasing, which has great potential in the future.

Jerusalem, March 20 (Reporters Lu Yingxu and Wang Zhuolun) The Israel Defense Forces and Israel’s National Security Directorate (Sinbet) issued a statement on the 20th saying that since last week, Israeli warplanes have killed four Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) senior commander in the Gaza Strip.

The statement said that when Israeli warplanes attacked the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah on the 18th, three Hamas Emergency Committee officials were killed and another person was injured. They are responsible for organizing terrorist activities and assisting the Hamas military wing in controlling the Gaza Strip.

As of now, Hamas has not responded to this matter.

The Israeli army said in this statement that Israeli warplanes also killed Nidal Eide, head of the Rafah Emergency Committee, last week.

According to data released by the Palestinian Gaza Strip Health Department on the 20th, Israeli forces ‘attacks on the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours have killed a total of 104 people and injured 162 others. Since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict in October last year, Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have caused more than 3.19 million deaths and nearly 740,000 injuries.

Greek PM criticizes new North Macedonia president_s name formulation in his inaugural speech

However, with the development of the industry, LANA電子煙 It will also bring us more and more consumer experiences, so that users can really feel the upgrade and change.

Athens, May 13 (Reporter Chen Gang) Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis criticized on the 13th that the new President of North Macedonia Davkova’s use of Macedonia when mentioning the name of the country in his inaugural speech was inconsistent with the previous agreement reached between the two countries.

North Macedonia President-elect Davkova was sworn in on the 12th. In her inaugural speech, she used Macedonia when referring to her country’s name, causing Greek Foreign Minister Jera Petritis to leave the table on the spot.

Mizotakis said North Macedonia’s new president’s call of his name was unacceptable, violating the agreement between the two countries.

The Office of the President of North Macedonia later issued a statement saying that Davkova insisted that she had the right to use the name of Macedonia and believed that her practice was in line with European values and principles.

European Commission President Von der Leyen and European Council President Michel successively issued articles on social media pointing out Davkova’s actions were inappropriate. Von der Leyen said on social media: If North Macedonia wants to successfully join the EU, the most important thing is to continue on the path of reform and fully respect binding agreements.

Macedonia became independent from Yugoslavia in 1991 and established its constitutional name as the Republic of Macedonia. Greece believes that this name implies that it has territorial and cultural heritage requirements for the Greek province of Macedonia. Due to a name dispute, Greece, a member of the European Union and NATO, opposes the Republic of Macedonia’s accession to the European Union and NATO.

After years of mediation negotiations, the two countries reached an agreement in June 2018 to change Macedonia’s name to the Republic of North Macedonia as a condition for Greece to agree to its accession to the European Union and NATO. In January 2019, the two parliaments successively approved the agreement. In February 2019, Macedonia officially changed its name to the Republic of North Macedonia.

UN Secretary_General calls for ceasefire in Gaza and Sudan during Ramadan

contemporaneity LANA電子煙 Our competitors have not made large-scale improvements, so we should get ahead of everyone in the project.

United Nations, March 11 (Reporter Shang Xuqian) United Nations Secretary-General Guterres called on the 11th to cease hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Sudan during Ramadan.

Guterres said at a press conference held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York at the beginning of Ramadan that Ramadan is the month when Muslims around the world advocate peace, reconciliation and unity. Ramadan has arrived, but the killing, bombing and bloodshed continue in the Gaza Strip. He called for the immediate cessation of gunshots in Gaza, the removal of all obstacles to humanitarian relief, and the release of all detainees.

At the same time, Guterres once again urged the Sudanese conflict parties to stop hostilities during Ramadan. He said the Sudanese people were facing hunger, terror and unspeakable suffering, and the fighting must end.

Guterres called on political, religious and community leaders in the Gaza Strip, Sudan and other parts of the world to do everything they can to keep Ramadan peaceful and it is time to end the terrible suffering.

Israel refuses to accept UN General Assembly resolution on Palestinian membership

At the same time, LANA電子煙 It is no longer a relatively unfamiliar industry, and it enters the public’s sight more and more frequently, gaining more attention and recognition.

Jerusalem, May 15 (Reporters Lu Yingxu and Wang Zhuolun) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on the 15th that Israel refused to accept the resolution recently adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on the issue of Palestinian membership, saying that the resolution does not constitute future Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. basis.

According to a press release issued by the Israeli Government Information Office, the Israeli government unanimously decided that day to refuse to accept the UN General Assembly resolution. Netanyahu said in the communiqué that the UN General Assembly resolution will not change the status of the disputed territory or the rights of Israel and the Jewish people on Israeli land. This resolution does not form the basis for future negotiations between the two sides, nor will it accelerate the peaceful settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli issue.

On the 10th of this month, the 10th emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution with a vote of 143 in favor, 9 against, and 25 abstentions, concluding that the State of Palestine meets the membership of the United Nations as stipulated in the United Nations Charter and should be accepted as a member of the United Nations. The resolution recommended that the Security Council reconsider Palestine’s application to join the United Nations as a member state from a favorable perspective.

Palestine is currently an observer state at the United Nations. In September 2011, Palestine submitted a formal application to the United Nations to become a member of the United Nations, but it was not approved by the Security Council. In early April this year, at Palestine’s request, the 15 members of the Security Council reviewed Palestine’s application for membership in the United Nations again and voted on relevant draft resolutions on April 18. The draft was not adopted because the United States used its veto power to cast a negative vote.

Thai monkeys fight in the middle of the road and the government is trying to sterilize monkeys to control their population

Before that, LANA電子煙 The market has also soared for a time, which has attracted the attention of a wide range of investors.

Phapuri Province is located in central Thailand. In the past, monkeys in the Laocheng District lived together with humans, which was a major feature of the local area. However, due to human feeding and other reasons, the number of monkeys grew rapidly.

General reporter Yang Tanli: According to statistics, there are now more than 2,000 monkeys in the Laocheng District of Huafuli. Due to the large number of monkeys in Laocheng District, conflicts often occur between different monkey groups, and conflicts often occur in the middle of the main road, causing traffic accidents. At the suggestion of local people, we put on helmets, gloves and umbrellas, because monkey biting incidents often occur here.

Shop owners in local Laocheng District: The number of monkeys is increasing, and there are more and more troubles. The most serious thing is causing motorcycles to overturn.

General reporter Yang Tanli: There is an abandoned building here. Can you imagine that this was once one of the most popular shopping malls in the area, but now it has also become the home of monkeys?

Currently, local governments and animal protection agencies are trying to control the number of monkeys by neutering them.

Su Tipong, a staff member of the National Wildlife Conservation Administration of Thailand: We have sterilized 80% of the monkeys in the accident-prone area of Laocheng District of Hafuri. The city government is currently building a monkey garden to house these monkeys.

In addition, the National Wildlife Conservation Administration of Thailand has also launched a compensation plan to provide residents with compensation of 30,000 to 100,000 baht (about 6000 yuan to 20000 yuan) for damage caused by monkeys.

General reporter Yang Tanli: During the interview, according to our observation, residents of Huafuri will only symbolically drive away monkeys when attacked, and will not really harm the monkeys. A resident told us that monkeys have been in Huafuli longer than many people and there is no reason to drive them away. The local government has also set up special feeding points and drinking points for monkeys, and residents will often help feed them. There is even a Monkey Festival to prepare a sumptuous meal for monkeys. But it is precisely because monkeys have no natural enemies and food pressure that the reproduction rate becomes very fast. The local government is also stepping up the construction of a special monkey protection base so that residents and monkey groups can have their own living space.

Copper prices soared to record highs and exceeded _11_000 per ton for the first time

Under people’s attention 電子煙主機 Finally grow into what people need, born for the market and come for the demand.

According to Bloomberg News reported on May 20, copper prices soared to their highest level in history, continuing their months-long rally. The rally was driven by financial investors who poured into the market amid predictions that supply shortages would intensify.

Copper futures prices on the London Metal Exchange rose more than 4%. Copper prices topped US$110,000 a tonne for the first time, but gave up some of their gains in afternoon trading.

For months, banks, mining and investment funds have been touting copper’s bright long-term prospects. In the past few weeks, investment has poured into the market.

Several developments in 2024 have emboldened copper bulls and attracted more and more speculative funds. Rumors are rampant that tight supply of copper ore has caused smelters to cut production. Investors predict that a surge in copper use in fast-growing sectors such as electric vehicles, renewable energy and artificial intelligence will offset the drag caused by traditional industries such as construction.

In early April, copper prices began to rise. Last week, a short squeeze on the New York futures market triggered a global rush to buy copper, and copper prices rose into overdrive.

Investors, traders and mining executives have been warning for years that the world will face severe copper shortages as demand for green industries surges.

However, many people involved in physical transactions warn that copper prices are outperforming reality. Demand remains relatively tepid, especially in China, the largest buyer, where inventory levels remain high and suppliers of copper wire and rod have been cutting production.

Since the beginning of this year, copper prices have risen by more than a quarter, leading the overall increase in major industrial metals. Like copper, gold prices also rose to record levels. Both metals are supported by optimism that the Federal Reserve will start cutting interest rates this year. (Compiled by Qiu Fang)

The youngest Russian presidential candidate just celebrated his 40th birthday

However, with the development of the industry, 電子煙主機 It will also bring us more and more consumer experiences, so that users can really feel the upgrade and change.

At 8: 00 local time on March 15, official voting in the Russian presidential election kicked off in Russia’s easternmost Kamchatka peninsula. According to the plan, the large-scale voting campaign, which spans 11 time zones, will end at 8 pm on the 17th in the westernmost Kaliningrad region.

Compared with eight presidential candidates in 2018, the number of presidential candidates in 2024 has halved: in addition to the incumbent President Vladimir Putin, there are Slutsky of the Russian Liberal Democratic Party, Haritonov of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Novakov of the Russian New Party.

Among the four presidential candidates, two have participated in the general election, namely Putin, who participated in the general election four times, and Khalitonov, who participated in the 2004 general election. Slutsky and the youngest candidate, Novankov, both ran for the first time this year. Haritonov is 75 years old, while Davankov was born in 1984.

Newcomers in politics

Last month, da Vankov celebrated his 40th birthday. On the second day of his birthday, he went to Channel 1 in Russia to participate in the first round of televised debates in the presidential election.

In the first round of debate, representatives of D’avankov, Haritonov and Slutzky stood in the middle of the circular stage to discuss the national education system, teachers’ salaries and other election-related issues. Putin’s campaign headquarters had previously announced that the incumbent Russian president would not take part in any candidate debates this season.

The 75-year-old Haritonov stood on the far right, his gray hair in sharp contrast to his post-80s competitor Leonardo da Vankov. During the debate, D’avankov reinterpreted his campaign plans, including fighting for the freedom of businesses and people, opposing the blockade of social media and punishing users, and letting children choose to be educated in their hometown or in big cities. to be who you want to be. At the end of the debate, he ended with the campaign slogan of his party, and it was time to change to a newcomer.

Compared with Haritonov, who has been in politics for more than 30 years, D’avankov is an out-and-out newcomer in politics, and even his party is a new party.

In January 2020, Alexei Nechayev, a member of the all-Russian people’s Front and founder of cosmetics production F, announced that he would create a new political party with the goal of changing people’s lives. the ideas pursued include promoting the change of power, reducing bureaucracy, developing industrial and high-tech production, creating the best conditions for the development of small businesses, increasing employment opportunities and population income, and ensuring affordable housing for the people. In addition, the party also advocates freedom of speech and assembly and is regarded as the representative of liberal parties.

On March 1 of the same year, the founding meeting of the New Party was held. Alexei Nechayev was subsequently elected chairman of the party, and in the same year, D’avankov joined the New Party to coordinate the work of regional branches.

In the Russian State Duma election in September 2021, the New Party became a dark horse, winning 533% of the votes, successfully winning 13 seats and squeezing into the Russian Duma. At that time, some analysts pointed out that this represented the emergence of new political forces calling for change in Russia.

In October 2021, Davankov became Vice Chairman of the State Duma, responsible for overseeing health and culture-related issues.

Last summer, the New Party elected D’avankov to run for mayor of Moscow. At that time, he promised to go all out for the welfare of the capital.

During his campaign for mayor of Moscow, D’avankov showed a dynamic and friendly side: he jumped off the 10-meter platform with Russian men’s diving Olympic champion Ilya Zakharov; work with TV host Elena Letuchaya to clean up the garbage at the bottom of the Moscow river At the nomination event in Khoroshevsky Forest Park, he even personally prepared a barbecue for the participants. At that time, Russian media commented that da Vankov created the image of your government boyfriend.

As his first attempt to take part in the election, da Vankov finally lost to veteran Sergei Sobyanin. According to the results of the vote on September 10, 2023, the latter was re-elected for a third time with 76.39% of the vote, while Davankov ranked fourth with 534% of the vote.

Only three months later, D’avankov was jointly nominated by the New Party and the growth Party. This time, he will be running for the post of president of Russia.

The highest income

Da Vankov was born in Smolensk on the Dnieper River in western Russia. His father, Andrei da Vankov, was a pilot, and his grandfather, Vadim da Vankov, was a well-known chemist who participated in the research of artificial kidney materials. He has published more than 400 scientific papers and won many awards.

Instead of inheriting the business of his father and grandfather, D’avankov inherited the entrepreneurial spirit from his uncle Alexander Davankov. Alexander da Vankov and Alexei Nechayev co-founded cosmetics production F as early as the 1990s. Since 2006, it has been on the list of the largest cosmetics in the world.

According to media records, da Vankov has made money on his own since he was a teenager. He has washed cars and worked as a bartender. At the age of 14, he had a career of his own and started a computer club, which gave him his first taste of the fruits of entrepreneurship. While studying how to make money, Davankov also developed a strong interest in history. He was admitted to the history department of Moscow State University from his hometown and later received an associate doctorate in sociology from the Russian State Social University in 2008.

After moving to the capital, Davankov continued to work as a courier and real estate agent during his studies, so much so that people around him later described him as knowing how every penny was earned. Davankov is also an enterprising entrepreneur, from 2001 to 2021, he founded five large enterprises in finance, computer, small aviation and other fields.

In 2013, D’avankov began to manage F Cosmetics. Under his administration, the performance doubled in two and a half years, according to politicians.

Currently, Davankov has two: one is SA, registered in the Teville region, which organizes skydiving, and the other is Asia Credit, a microfinance institution registered in Moscow, which provides loans to citizens of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Mr Davankov has a 54 per cent stake, according to the information.

In philanthropy, Davankov also led the Russian Captain Education Program support Fund. The project aims to find young people with entrepreneurial spirit and help them build their own businesses. In 2018, Davankov became deputy director of the Russian Land of opportunity Project. The project was personally signed and approved by Putin and supervised by Sergei Kiriyenko, the first deputy director of the Russian president’s office at that time.

In January this year, Russia’s Central Election Commission released information on the income of Russian presidential candidates. Da Vankov, who earned 76.9 million rubles (5.6 million yuan) in the six years before the election, became the highest-paid candidate, about 10 million roubles higher than Putin. In addition, Davankov owns a house and a piece of land in the Moscow area, as well as a 1/4 share of an apartment in Moscow. He also owns a 2019 Mercedes-Benz Maybach and his wife Yulia Davankova owns a BMW.

The other two candidates, Haritonov and Slutsky, earned about half as much as Davankov over the same period.

Political training

Although he has been in power for less than five years, during his tenure in the State Duma, D’avankov was regarded as a young generation of politicians with good working ability, as well as the drafter and co-drafter of nearly 100 bills. including officials who prevent social users from bullying and insulting women’s feelings should be fined 100000 roubles, and schools should cancel homework.

Not only that, da Vankov, who has no one in the family involved in politics, is also trained to speak in public. He will refuse to criticize the current government and other political opponents in the election manual. No one will benefit from criticism, nor did I do so during my campaign for mayor of Moscow. He pointed out that he would focus on his party’s agenda, that is, what people are most concerned about, going to cities to talk to people and telling people that the New Party would lead Russia to development rather than technological backwardness and degradation.

Before the election, two Russian anti-war candidates, Deng Zova and Najieridin, were disqualified from the election. When talking about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Davankov was also very cautious. Instead of publicly opposing it, he called it a tragedy. ‘very few people I know can directly say that war is great,’he said in an interview with Xenia Sobchak last year. He believes that war will never bring universal happiness.

In February, when the Russian State Duma faced urgent ratification of the friendship and cooperation treaties with Luhansk and Donetsk, the New Party voted in favor. Mr Davankov then succinctly expressed the change in the party’s position: the president made the right decision. We discussed and debated until a democratic decision was made. Once a decision has been made, action is needed. After the full escalation of the crisis in Ukraine, Davankov has also been on the sanctions list of the European Union, Britain, the United States and Canada.

For Davankov, participating in the presidential election is a kind of political training. Russian political scholar Sergei Markolov said in an interview with the media. Markolov believes that although D’avankov won some public support in Moscow’s mayoral election, he is not a politician.

According to Sergei Markolov’s prediction, D’avankov will not get many votes. The problem is not that people may not understand the politician’s position, but that few people outside Moscow and St. Petersburg know about the existence of such a candidate.

According to the latest poll data from the all-Russian Public opinion Research Center (VTIOM) on March 3, 6% of voters plan to vote for him, ranking second only to Putin’s 75%. In a January poll, only 1% of voters expressed support for the newcomer.

As for his own attitude, in December last year, when he was announced as the youngest candidate in the 2024 general election, a reporter asked him whether he planned to win the election. He replied with a smile: it depends on what people think is victory (reporter Zheng Liying)