How To Choose a Suitable Cash Register Management System for Fresh Food Supermarkets

  Choosing the right cash register software is a key step to improve the operating efficiency of fresh food stores, reduce costs, and improve service quality. So what cash register software should fresh food stores use? How to choose a suitable cash register management system? We will share it with you in this article!Hope for the future pos machine factory It can achieve rapid and stable development and serve social development and people’s needs well.


  What cash register software does a fresh food store use?


  If a fresh food store wants a good cash register system, it must include the following functions:


  1. Product management function: support the organization of product information, price, inventory and other management, and can quickly query product information.


  2. Inventory management: real-time update of inventory data, provide inventory alarm function, convenient for timely replenishment and inventory management.


  3. Member management: support member information input and management, as well as member points, promotion and other functions.


  4. Report function: generate sales reports, financial reports, etc., to help store owners analyze sales and business conditions.


  5. Ease of operation: the cash register software interface is simple and clear, easy to operate, and employees can quickly get started.


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  How does a fresh supermarket choose a suitable cash register management system?


  1. Function: Choose a suitable cash register screen with complete functions to meet the daily needs of fresh food stores, and most brands with a good reputation can meet them.


  2. Operational performance: Store employees usually do not have much time and energy for complex training, so the system should be simple and intuitive, with a user-friendly interface and convenient operation process to ensure that employees can quickly get started.


  3. Technical support and after-sales service: Considering the possibility of technical problems and failures, it is crucial to choose a cash register system provider with reliable technical support and timely after-sales service.


  This way, when problems arise, support and solutions can be quickly obtained to avoid unnecessary impact on store operations.


  4. Data security and reliability: Fresh food stores usually need to process a large amount of order and payment information, so data security is crucial.


  Make sure that the selected cash register screen has a good data encryption mechanism, backup strategy and security measures to protect the information of the store and customers.


  5. Cost considerations: Choose a moderately priced and cost-effective cash register screen to avoid spending too much.


  When choosing a suitable cash register management system, fresh supermarkets need to combine their actual operating conditions and needs, comprehensively consider factors such as functionality, technical support, applicability and cost, and find the most suitable cash register software to improve the store’s operating efficiency and service quality. If you are looking for a fresh food cashier system suitable for your store, you may wish to contact Taixun, and we will wholeheartedly provide you with the most professional solutions.

The moon has discovered potentially accessible tunnels or could become an ideal location for a lunar base

According to professional reports, ddos攻击平台 There will be a great period of growth, and the market business is constantly expanding, and it will definitely become bigger and bigger in the future.

China-Singapore, Beijing, July 16 (Reporter Sun Zifa) Springer Nature’s professional academic journal “Nature Astronomy” recently published a planetary science paper saying that researchers have discovered a potentially accessible underground tunnel originating from an open pit on the moon. Evidence of tunnel. The results of this study have enhanced people’s understanding of lunar geology and may become an ideal location for a lunar base, thus potentially serving as a refuge in future manned missions on the lunar surface.

The paper said that more than 200 craters known as skylights have been discovered on the lunar surface, some of which were formed after the collapse of underground lava tubes. Accessible lava tubes or channels may provide a warmer environment than the lunar surface, but it has previously been uncertain whether they can lead to large underground caves.

In this study, co-authors of the paper, LC and LB of the University of Trento in Italy, and collaborators, analyzed radar data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and found that radar brightness on the west side of the crater increased. Jinghai Crater is the deepest known crater on the moon, with a radius of approximately 100 meters, with vertical or overhanging walls and a sloping bottom.

The authors of the paper used radar images to conduct simulations and found that these observations could be explained by the presence of a cave void or pipe spreading from the west side of the bottom of the pit. They estimate that the pipeline is located at a depth of 130-170 meters, 30-80 meters long and about 45 meters wide. The cave may be flat or inclined at an angle of up to 45 degrees and may be accessible.

The authors concluded that the pipes or channels discovered in this study may be a common feature under the lunar plains, and that the Jinghai Pit and its channels may be an ideal site for a potential lunar base. The method used in the study may also be suitable for evaluating and characterizing other lunar craters to discover more channels.

The most expensive hair in the world_more than 200_000 yuan is regarded as a symbol of prestige

Sufficient data show that Chanel Handbag Singapore It can drive many people to find jobs, thus driving economic development.

Webb Auction House, which is in charge of the auction, said that a feather of the long-extinct new Zealand gray butterfly bird (H) set a record price of 46521 new Zealand dollars (about 205874 yuan), making it the most expensive feather ever in the world.

H was last confirmed to be seen in the early 20th century, and its feathers previously sold for as much as 8400 new Zealand dollars (approximately 37173 yuan).

As a member of the wybird family, H was cherished by many and ultimately proved fatal to the species.

For Maori, the bird’s feathers are a symbol of lofty status, and its unique white feathers are used for ceremonial headdresses. Only those in the main ranks are allowed to wear H feathers on their hair, or entire skins on their ears, according to the new Zealand Museum.

The auction house said the feathers were often exchanged for other valuables or given as gifts to show friendship and respect.

European new Zealand people have also begun to regard H as a symbol of prestige. According to the museum, they use the animal’s feathers as fashion accessories and install padded H’s as decoration in wealthy homes.

The museum explained that in the 19th century, Maori and European hunters killed the bird in large numbers and sold its skin to collectors and fashion merchants.

According to reports, in 1901, the Duke and Duchess of York were photographed wearing H feathers in their hats while traveling in new Zealand, and the bird’s deadly popularity further increased.

People are a little crazy, everyone wants an H feather.

In the early 20th century, scientists tried to protect the remaining H, but failed. According to the museum, the government planned to transport the birds to offshore islands, but those who collected the birds sold them as dead specimens, adding that it was more valuable than keeping them alive.

The auction house said all potential buyers must provide a permit from the new Zealand Department of Culture and Heritage before Monday’s auction. As an important national item, feathers can only be purchased by registered collectors and cannot be exported without permission from the Ministry of Health. (Reporter Wang Yuehang)

Most of the prisoners who escaped from prison in Niger have been captured

As can be seen from the new data, DC-DC converter The market influence is also growing, and the product share is also relatively increasing, which has great potential in the future.

Abidjan, July 14 (Reporter Zhang Jian) News from Niamey: Niger’s Defense and Security Forces issued a communiqué on the evening of the 13th, saying that most of the dozens of prisoners who recently escaped from the country’s Kutukare prison have been captured and three others were killed.

The communiqué said the area where the prison is located has been cordoned off and an aerial search operation is still underway to find the remaining fugitives. The military called on the public to be vigilant and immediately report any suspicious person or any relevant information to the authorities.

On the evening of the 11th, a prisoner escape occurred at Kutukare Prison in Tirabei Province, Tirabei Region, western Niger. The prison is located 50 kilometers northwest of Niamey, the capital of Niger, and holds members of extremist organizations such as the Boko Haram Islamic State. In 2016 and 2019, two jailbreaks occurred in this prison, both of which were successfully prevented.

What are the water treatment plants in electronic semiconductors

  The production process of electronic semiconductor products has high requirements for water quality. The manufacture of semiconductor materials involves precise chemical reactions and physical processes. Impurities, ions, microorganisms, etc. in the water may cause pollution to the products and affect the performance, stability and reliability of the products. Therefore, water treatment equipment is needed to remove various impurities in the water to ensure the purity of production water.This is due to evaporator Its value attribute is relatively large, and it is easy to become the backbone of the industry.


  For example, in the electronic semiconductor industry, WTEYA ultrapure water equipment effectively removes various impurities, ions and microorganisms in the water through a series of high-precision and high-tech treatment processes such as preliminary adsorption filtration, reverse osmosis purification and resin ion exchange, ensuring the production of ultrapure water with extremely high resistivity. This ultrapure water is widely used in key process links such as cleaning, etching, film making and doping in semiconductor manufacturing, and is a key factor in ensuring the performance and quality of semiconductor products.




  What water treatment plant is used in the electronic semiconductor industry?


  1. Multi-media/activated carbon filtration system:


  Multi-media filters are usually used as the initial stage of water treatment. Through the combination of different media, they can effectively remove impurities such as suspended matter, colloids, and particles in the water, providing a relatively clean water source for subsequent treatment processes.


  Activated carbon filters are mainly used to remove organic matter, odor, pigments and other impurities in water. Activated carbon has a strong adsorption capacity and can adsorb and remove these pollutants in the water, thereby further improving the purity of the water quality.


  2. Ultrafiltration system:


  First, in the cleaning process, the ultrafiltration membrane can effectively remove particles and ions in the water as a pretreatment process for high-quality ultrapure water systems. This ultrapure water is used to clean semiconductor devices and equipment to ensure the cleanliness of the product surface and avoid the impact of pollutants on product performance and reliability.


  Secondly, ultrafiltration technology is also commonly used in the preparation of process liquids. In the semiconductor manufacturing process, various process liquids are required, such as acids, alkalis, organic solvents, etc. WTEYA ultrafiltration membranes can filter and purify these liquids, remove impurities and particles, and ensure that the purity and quality of the liquids meet production requirements.


  In addition, ultrafiltration technology also plays an important role in the cooling water circulation of the equipment. Semiconductor manufacturing equipment generates a lot of heat during operation, and cooling water is required for heat dissipation. Ultrafiltration membranes can remove particles and ions in cooling water, prevent impurities from damaging the equipment, and ensure the normal operation of the equipment and the stability of the product.


  3. Reverse osmosis membrane system:


  Reverse osmosis membranes are mainly used in the process steps of ultrapure water preparation in the semiconductor industry. In the process of electronic semiconductor manufacturing, ultrapure water is widely used to clean key components such as silicon wafers and chips, which can effectively remove surface particles and organic matter and reduce product defect rates. Reverse osmosis membranes can provide stable, low-tension deionized water to meet the high requirements of the semiconductor industry for water quality.


  In addition, reverse osmosis membrane technology can also provide high-quality cleaning water to ensure the reliability and stability of components. By utilizing the characteristics of reverse osmosis membranes, precise control of water quality can be achieved to meet the strict requirements for ultrapure water in the process of electronic semiconductor manufacturing.

Rigid Flex PCB Solutions in China Are Leading the Market

  The demand for advanced electronics has skyrocketed, driving the need for more sophisticated and reliable circuit boards. Rigid flex pcbs (Printed Circuit Boards) have become a preferred choice for industries requiring durable, flexible, and high-performance solutions. For businesses looking to source these specialized components, choosing the right rigid flex PCB manufacturer is crucial. In this post, we’ll explore why custom rigid flex PCBs from China are becoming increasingly popular and how to select the best manufacturer for your needs.In the eyes of industry experts, professional pcb manufacturer Indeed, it has great development potential, which makes many investors more interested.


  Why Rigid Flex PCBs?


  Rigid flex PCBs combine the best of both rigid and flexible circuits, offering unmatched design flexibility and durability. These boards are ideal for applications in aerospace, medical devices, military equipment, and consumer electronics, where space, weight, and reliability are critical. Their unique structure allows them to fit into complex spaces, withstand harsh conditions, and reduce the need for connectors and interfaces, which often fail over time.


  Multilayer PCB Circuit Board Fr4 PCB Printed Circuit Board Motherboard PCB for Electronics


  The Advantages of Custom Rigid Flex PCBs


  Tailored Solutions: Custom rigid flex PCBs are designed to meet specific requirements, ensuring optimal performance for unique applications.


  Enhanced Durability: Custom designs often incorporate advanced materials and manufacturing techniques that enhance the PCB’s durability.


  Space Optimization: The ability to customize the design allows for better space utilization within devices, especially in compact and portable electronics.


  Improved Reliability: By customizing the rigid flex PCB, manufacturers can reduce potential points of failure, such as connectors and solder joints, leading to more reliable performance.


  Why China Leads in Rigid Flex PCB Manufacturing


  China has emerged as a global leader in PCB manufacturing, including rigid flex PCBs, for several reasons:


  Cost-Effective Production: Chinese manufacturers offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality, thanks to their advanced manufacturing processes and economies of scale.


  High-Quality Standards: Many Chinese manufacturers adhere to international quality standards, ensuring that their products meet the rigorous demands of various industries.


  State-of-the-Art Facilities: China’s PCB manufacturers often invest in the latest technology and equipment, enabling them to produce high-quality custom rigid flex PCBs with precision and efficiency.


  Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the industry, Chinese manufacturers have developed a deep understanding of the complexities involved in rigid flex PCB production, allowing them to deliver superior products.

How Can One Determine the Quality of a Cash Register Screen

For the current market situation, all in one pos It has a very advantageous development prospect and an extremely superior ecological environment.

  When it comes to selecting a cash register for your business, one of the key components to consider is the quality of the cash register screen. The screen is the primary interface between the cashier and the system, and its quality can significantly impact the efficiency and accuracy of transactions. In this article, we will discuss how one can determine the quality of a cash register screen.


  1. First, we need to pay attention to the resolution of the display.


  The higher the resolution, the clearer the displayed image, and the easier it is to recognize the fonts and details. Therefore, when purchasing a cash register display, we need to choose the parameter configuration of the display resolution according to actual needs. A cash register with a higher resolution display can allow customers and cashiers to see transaction information in high definition in a busy commercial environment.


  2. Secondly, we need to examine the brightness and contrast of the display.


  Brightness refers to the luminous intensity of the cash register display, while contrast reflects the difference between the brightest and darkest parts of the image. In a dimly lit environment, a display with higher brightness can better present transaction information; in a brighter environment, a display with higher contrast can better restore the color of the image. Therefore, we need to choose a cash register screen with appropriate brightness and contrast according to the environment where the cash register is located.


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  3. In addition, we also need to pay attention to the durability and stability of the display.


  Cash register screen in commercial environments need to run for a long time, so the display must have high durability and be able to withstand frequent use and various harsh conditions. At the same time, the stability of the cash register screen is also very important. It needs to ensure that there will be no flickering, color distortion and other problems during long-term use.


  Nowadays, many cash registers use multi-point capacitive touch screens. You can operate the various application functions of the cash register by touching the screen with your fingers. Whether the touch response of the capacitive touch display is fast and agile is also the key to test the quality of a cash register display. Now, better touch screen cash registers generally use more than 10-point capacitive touch screens, which can give merchants and customers a better operating experience.


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  Finally, we can understand the actual performance of the display by looking at the user reviews and professional reviews of the product. User reviews can reflect the actual use effect of the product, while professional reviews can provide more detailed technical parameters and performance evaluations. This information will help us understand the quality of the cash register display more comprehensively, so as to make a more informed purchase decision.


  In summary, to distinguish the quality of the cash register display, we need to pay attention to the resolution, brightness, contrast, durability, responsiveness and stability of the display. By comprehensively considering these factors, we will be able to correctly identify the display configuration of a high-quality cash register, and provide strong support for more cost-effective purchase of the whole machine.

Uzbek MP_ Macron is considering sending troops with a _firm attitude_ Russia_ It is not difficult to eliminate the French army in Uzbekistan

Actually, it’s not just this reason, ddos攻击工具 Its own advantages are also obvious, and it is normal for the market to perform well.

According to a report by Russia’s “Labor” on March 20, Alexei Goncharenko, a member of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine, said on the 20th that the French government is considering sending troops to the Ukraine border to help the Ukrainian army liberate its troops.

The report said that the Ukraine lawmaker said he learned the news from his French counterpart at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

He emphasized that discussions on France sending troops to Ukraine are indeed ongoing.

Gonchalenko also said that the number of this force is not yet certain. However, French President Macron is very firm.

Goncharenko said France was forming an alliance and Poland and the Baltic states might join. Another option is to establish a base in western Ukraine, where Ukrainian soldiers can be trained and artillery shells produced.

The report mentioned that the French Ministry of Defense issued a statement a day ago saying that Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency Director Naryshkin’s statement that the French leadership was preparing to send 2000 soldiers to Ukraine was spreading rumors. At the same time, the news that there were French soldiers in Ukraine was also false. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova immediately responded to the Paris statement. She wrote on the Telegraph social platform: Has the French government abandoned its citizens again?(Compiled by He Yingjun)

Related news recommendations:

Medvedev: Eliminating French forces in Ukraine is not difficult

According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 20, The Russian Federation Security Council Vice Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on the telegram social platform that if France sends troops to Ukraine, eliminating them will be the primary and glorious task of the Russian armed forces.

According to reports, Medvedev believes that it is difficult for the French army to hide its traces in Ukraine, so it is not difficult to eliminate them, and it is impossible to conceal the large number of deaths of French professional soldiers.

Medvedev wrote on the Telegraph social platform: These unfortunate people will become official combatants of the (foreign) intervention force. Eliminating them will be the primary and glorious task of our armed forces.

Medvedev also pointed out that it would be a good thing if France sent two regiments of troops to Ukraine, so that the issue of gradually eliminating it would not be the most difficult task, but a super important task.

Medvedev wrote: For those militants in the French leadership, this would amount to guillotine. Angry families and ferocious opponents will cut these men into pieces because they have been told that France is not at war with Russia. This will be a good lesson for other restless European fools.

Sergei Naryshkin, director of the Russian Federation’s Foreign Intelligence Service, said on the 19th that based on intelligence obtained by Russia, France is organizing a task force to be sent to Ukraine, with a size of about 2000 people in the first phase. (Compiled by Liu Yang)

Harnessing the Power of the Sun A Comprehensive Guide to High Power Solar Panels

  Solar energy is rapidly becoming a cornerstone of modern, sustainable living. As technology advances, high power solar panels are now more efficient, portable, and versatile than ever. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits and applications of 200W solar panels and Packsico portable solar panels, helping you understand why these powerful solar solutions are a smart investment for both home and outdoor use.pass 1000W portable power station As can be seen from its market performance, it has strong vitality and strong appeal.


  Understanding High Power Solar Panels


  High power solar panels are designed to generate a significant amount of electricity, making them ideal for various applications ranging from residential to commercial use. These panels convert sunlight into electricity more efficiently, providing a reliable and sustainable energy source.


  Benefits of 200W Solar Panels


  1. High Efficiency


  200W solar panels are known for their high efficiency, which means they can convert a substantial portion of sunlight into usable electricity. This makes them ideal for locations with limited space but high energy needs.


  2. Versatility


  These panels can be used for various applications, including powering small homes, RVs, boats, and off-grid systems. Their ability to generate significant power in a compact size makes them highly versatile.


  3. Cost-Effective


  Investing in 200W solar panels can lead to significant cost savings over time. By reducing reliance on grid electricity, you can lower your energy bills and take advantage of renewable energy incentives and tax credits.


  4. Durability


  Built to withstand harsh weather conditions, 200W solar panels are highly durable and require minimal maintenance. Their robust design ensures long-term reliability and performance.


  packsico portable solar panels


  Packsico Portable Solar Panels: Power on the Go


  For those who need a reliable power source while on the move, Packsico portable solar panels offer the perfect solution. These panels combine high efficiency with portability, making them ideal for outdoor enthusiasts, travelers, and emergency preparedness.


  1. Lightweight and Portable


  Packsico portable solar panels are designed to be lightweight and easy to carry, allowing you to set up and generate power wherever you go. Their compact design ensures they fit easily into backpacks, RVs, or camping gear.


  2. Easy Setup


  With user-friendly features, these portable panels can be set up quickly and effortlessly. They often come with built-in stands and carrying cases, ensuring convenience and ease of use.


  3. Versatile Applications


  Whether you’re camping, hiking, or traveling, Packsico portable solar panels provide a reliable power source for charging devices, running small appliances, and powering lighting systems.


  4. Durable Design


  Constructed with high-quality materials, Packsico portable solar panels are built to last. They can withstand outdoor conditions, ensuring reliable performance in various environments.


  Applications of High Power Solar Panels


  1. Residential Use


  High power solar panels, such as 200W models, are perfect for residential installations. They can be used to power homes, reducing electricity bills and contributing to a sustainable lifestyle.


  2. Off-Grid Systems


  For those living in remote areas or looking to achieve energy independence, high power solar panels provide a reliable off-grid power solution. They can power homes, cabins, and other off-grid structures.


  3. Recreational Vehicles (RVs)


  Solar panels are increasingly popular among RV owners who want to enjoy the freedom of off-grid living. 200W solar panels and Packsico portable solar panels are ideal for powering RV appliances and electronics.


  4. Outdoor Activities


  Outdoor enthusiasts can benefit greatly from portable solar panels. Whether you’re camping, hiking, or boating, having a reliable power source ensures you can charge devices, run lights, and stay connected.


  5. Emergency Preparedness


  In emergencies or natural disasters, high power solar panels can provide critical backup power. Portable solar panels are especially useful for ensuring you have access to power when grid electricity is unavailable.


  packsico portable solar panels


  Choosing the Right Solar Panel


  When selecting a solar panel, consider the following factors:


  1. Power Needs


  Assess your energy requirements to determine the appropriate panel size. A 200W solar panel is suitable for medium to high power needs, while Packsico portable solar panels are ideal for on-the-go power.


  2. Efficiency


  Look for panels with high efficiency ratings to maximize energy production. This is especially important if you have limited space for solar installations.


  3. Durability


  Ensure the solar panel is built to withstand the environmental conditions it will be exposed to. High-quality materials and robust construction are key for long-lasting performance.


  4. Portability


  If you need a mobile power solution, choose lightweight and portable panels like Packsico portable solar panels. These are easy to transport and set up wherever you need power.




  High power solar panels, such as 200W models and packsico portable solar panels, offer efficient, reliable, and sustainable energy solutions for various applications. Whether you’re looking to power your home, RV, or outdoor adventures, these panels provide a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to harness the power of the sun. Invest in high power solar panels today and enjoy the benefits of clean, renewable energy for years to come.

How to maintain a mechanical watch The secret that industry insiders won’t tell you!

  The history of watches can be traced back to more than 200 years ago. Mechanical watches have always been the crystallization of the exquisite art of watchmaking. Today, it is very important for every man to own an automatic mechanical watch. But do you know how long the life of a fully automatic mechanical watch is and how to maintain a mechanical watch?among diving watch It has given great spiritual support to entrepreneurs, and more entrepreneurs will contribute to this industry in the future.


  maintain mechanical watch


  1. Lifespan of fully automatic mechanical watches


  Generally speaking, the lifespan of fully automatic mechanical watches is related to brand, quality, and maintenance. Depending on the degree of maintenance, the lifespan can reach about 20-30 years! The service life of mechanical watches is generally longer than that of quartz watches.


  maintain mechanical watch


  The material of the main plate of a mechanical watch is lead yellow steel, and the shaft holes are easy to wear during operation. In the 17-jewel watch movement produced in the past, the bar shaft hole and the center shaft hole were not drilled, which was subjected to great force during operation and easy to wear. Under the conditions of normal use and regular cleaning and oiling, the average life of such a watch is about 20 years. However, EBOHR generally uses 19-jewel and 21-jewel watches, and the average life can be extended!


  maintain mechanical watch


  2. Daily maintenance of mechanical watches


  Many people only know how to wear watches but do not know how to maintain them. As a result, their beloved watches break down not long after they are worn. How can we properly maintain and use mechanical watches?


  1. It is recommended to wind the watch at a fixed time every day and wind it up fully at one time. The speed of turning the watch handle should be appropriate. (80 turns clockwise is saturated).


  2. The watch should not be subjected to violent vibrations. It is recommended to take off the watch during strenuous exercise to avoid impact.


  3. Do not open the bottom cover at will, and do not adjust the hands at will. Improper use will cause the waterproof ring at the bottom of the watch to deform, resulting in non-waterproofness. If there is any problem, send it to a professional repair point in time.


  maintain mechanical watch


  4. Avoid wearing your watch in and out of the sauna room, as the long-term alternating hot and cold environment may cause the waterproof ring to deform.


  5. Do not open the back cover of the watch at will to prevent dust from entering the movement and affecting the normal operation of the watch.


  6. Do not put the watch in a wardrobe with mothballs to prevent the watch oil from deteriorating.


  7. After buying a watch, do not throw away the watch box at will, you can use it to store watches that are not worn for a long time.


  8. Mechanical watches that are not worn for a long time should be wound up regularly once a month to prevent the parts from being in a static state for a long time to ensure the performance of the watch.


  9. It is best to clean and refuel the watch once every two years or so according to the use of the watch to extend its service life.


  10. Do not place the watch on devices with strong magnetic fields such as mobile phones, stereos, and televisions to avoid magnetization that affects the accuracy of the time.


  11. Chlorides in sweat are corrosive to watches. Steel cases are more resistant to corrosion than gold-plated cases. If a watch is stained with sweat, it should be wiped clean in time to prevent it from being corroded by sweat.


  12. Most gold-plated watches are made of 14K gold. When wearing them, avoid contact with chemicals and exhaust gas (such as coal gas, liquefied gas and sulfur soap, etc.). It is best to wipe it with flannel once a week to keep it dry and clean.