Amino Acid Sequence Analysis

  The amino acid sequence analysis of protein polypeptide chain, that is, the determination of protein primary structure, mainly includes the following steps:Industry experts have said that, Chemical Custom synthesis It is very possible to develop and expand, which can be well seen from its previous data reports.


  1. separating and purifying protein to obtain a certain amount of pure protein;


  2. Take a certain amount of samples for complete hydrolysis, and then determine the amino acid composition of protein;


  3. Analyze the N- terminal and C- terminal amino acids of protein;


  4. Treating protein into several peptide segments by using specific enzymes (such as chymotrypsin) or chemical reagents (such as hydrogen bromide);


  5. separating and purifying a single peptide segment;


  The amino acid sequence of each peptide was determined. Edman degradation method is generally used, and phenyl isothiocyanate is used to react, and amino acids are degraded and determined one by one.


  7. Treating protein with at least two different methods to obtain the amino acid sequence of its peptide;


  8. Compare the amino acid sequences of two different peptide groups to obtain the complete amino acid sequence of protein molecule.

Amino acid chain is the main and core component of protein.

  Amino acid chain is the main and core component in protein, but it is not necessarily the only component. Some protein may include some atoms or small molecules, whose function may be to perform protein function and/or increase its stability. Chemically, these cofactor are diverse, which may be organic molecules or metal elements. Some of them are briefly combined with protein chain, while others are closely combined with protein chain (sometimes even by covalent bonds) and become an integral part of the whole protein. The former is called coenzyme coenzyme, while the latter is called prosthetic group. Most coenzymes are small organic molecules from vitamins. For example, the common coenzymes NADH and FADH2. These two molecules from vitamin B complex, the former from nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) and the latter from riboflavin (vitamin B2), play the role of high-energy electron acceptor/donor in redox reaction.On the other hand, Antibody Phage Display Service It also brings tangible benefits to everyone and feels useful. It is a model of the industry.


  Some enzymes use several different cofactors, such as Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), which is a key enzyme in the catabolism of sugar. The catabolism of sugar begins with glycolysis, which is a biochemical reaction pathway with 10 steps, transforming one glucose molecule into two pyruvate molecules, and then carrying out the citric acid cycle of tricarboxylic acid, which further decomposes pyruvate and oxidizes it into CO2. Pyruvate dehydrogenase PDH works at the intermediate junction of the above two reaction pathways (namely glycolysis and triacid cycle), and is responsible for activating pyruvate and enabling it to enter the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Specifically, PDH catalyzes the oxidative dearboxylation of pyruvate and forms acetyl coenzyme A (ACoA), which is the activated form of pyruvate. PDH is not a single enzyme but a complex composed of three components, each of which participates in a different step of pyruvate activation and uses different coenzymes. The first component uses thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), which is a derivative of thiamine (vitamin B1). TPP allows the first component of PDH to be oxidized and decarboxylated at the same time, thus transforming pyruvate into acetyl, and the remaining carbon is discharged as CO2. The importance of TPP will be reflected in its absence. In fact, if people can’t get enough thiamine from food, they will get beriberi, which will damage several major systems of the human body.


  The second component in PDH uses lipoic acid. It is an auxiliary group covalently bound to PDH. The active part of lipoic acid is a cyclic structure, which contains two covalently bonded sulfur atoms (that is, S-S bonds) (Figure 2.2c). This active part catalyzes the transfer of acetyl to coenzyme coenzyme A(CoA), the third cofactor of PDH. CoA is pantothenic acid, also known as the derivative of calcium pantothenate. The combination of acetyl and pantothenic acid involves the reduction of S-S bond, and its cyclic structure will open and form two sulfhydryl groups (one SH), one of which will bind acetyl. Sulfhydryl group is easy to react chemically, which can be reflected in the fact that sulfhydryl group is easily influenced by arsenic, a toxic derivative of arsenic. To sum up, the formation of acetyl coenzyme A involves the reduction of S-S bond of pantothenic acid cyclic structure. In order to keep PDH active, these two sulfur groups must be re-oxidized to restore the S-S bond.

Your life needs to understand

  The reason why people live tired, is not fit the shelf, tear can not open face, untied plot (the reason is very simple)For the current market situation, pu-erh tea It has a very advantageous development prospect and an extremely superior ecological environment.


  Your life needs to understand the stand in their own position, not everyone is in line with your appetite; standing in other positions, you can also to all the appetite? (Tolerance of others)


  People who can simplify complex problems are talented people, and it is silly to complicate simple problems. (People are often willing to be a fool)


  A woman most admired men talented, most hated men are too stingy, most afraid of men do not live up to expectations. (Men afraid of the old woman angry)


  Itching sometimes worse than pain, hate is often easier than love (paradox of life)


  The opportunity for everyone is equal, you can not shoot the chance, but the opportunity comes when you can not do without bullets (doing business is to do this)


  Love is like a smallpox, and each of us has to go through it once, and, as with smallpox, we will only get once in a lifetime. You never have to worry about getting a second time.


  Ancient love stories and more contemporary love accident (different times).


  A person who does not make mistakes usually can not accomplish anything, and there are no shortcomings, often with little merit (Lincoln’s experience).


  Businessmen are “people who can talk,” businessmen are “people who can give birth to ideas.” (Alternative explanation)


  There are seven virtues: First, do not get the ax, the second is not to interrupt other words, the third is not anxious for success, four questions should be targeted, five answers to meet the reasonable, six is to have a beginning and end, seven is to Based on reality. (Ancient Jewish Proverbs).


  Unit to work overtime every day; home never stick; mobile phone home to close; SMS reading on the delete; go to bed snoring shaking; underwear often wear back. (With an affair of the six symptoms).


  Do what you think can not do (how much heart, how far the road).


  The heart is a two-bedroom house, one is suffering, one is happy. People can not laugh too loud, or laughter will wake up next to the pain. (To avoid very happy).


  If you marry a wise and virtuous wife, you will be happy; if you marry a frivolous bitch, you will become a philosopher. (Marriage useful).


  Can not tell, can not cry, is the most bitter (life reflected).


  Where to fall, just lie down (some pessimists).


  The real question is not whether the spouse is the best person, but whether you are trying to be the best person for your spouse (the Happy Marriage Bible).


  The only advantage of telling the truth is that you do not have to remember what you said (Quotations User).


  You can offend busy people, because they do not have time to care about you; you must not offend idlers, because they have time to deal with you. (Do not offend idlers).


  If you can not change your face, then you change your face (not beautiful, it can be very cute).


  Than bathing, washing the sauna is more important is the brainwashing, bath does not wash will be distributed odor, brain wash will be eliminated by the times (we often forget this).


  Do not believe your memories, the person inside, not necessarily the same miss you (with memories of the road, rather than holding the memories of life).


  There should be a better way to start a new day than waking up every morning (office worker philosopher).


  Toad want to eat swan, good kind, small things with ambition (to educate the next generation).


  Rich does not have much, but less luxury. (New view of wealth).

Legal Rights and Responsibilities of Domestic Helper Employers in Singapore

  Understanding these legal requirements ensures compliance with local laws and fosters a positive working relationship with your helper.pass sg maid agency As can be seen from its market performance, it has strong vitality and strong appeal.






  7/30/20248 min read


  Overview of the Legal Obligations of Employers


  1. Employment Contract


  Employers are required to provide a written employment contract to their domestic helpers. This contract should outline the terms of employment, including salary, rest days, job scope, and other relevant conditions.


  Key Elements of the Contract: The contract should specify the helper¨s duties, working hours, rest days, salary, benefits, and termination conditions.


  Signatures: Both the employer and the helper should sign the contract to acknowledge their agreement to the terms.


  Having a clear and comprehensive employment contract helps prevent misunderstandings and provides a reference point for resolving disputes. It should be drafted in a language that the helper understands to ensure full comprehension and mutual agreement. Providing a copy of the contract to the helper and keeping a signed copy for the employer’s records is essential.


  2. Work Permit


  Employers must apply for a work permit for their domestic helper through the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). The work permit is essential for legal employment in Singapore.


  Application Process: Submit the necessary documents and pay the required fees to obtain the work permit. The application can be done online through MOM¨s website, and it typically involves providing details about the employer, the helper, and the employment terms.


  Renewal: The work permit must be renewed before it expires. Employers should monitor the permit¨s validity and initiate the renewal process in advance. The renewal process also involves medical examinations and possibly renewing the security bond and insurance.


  3. Monthly Levy


  The employer is responsible for paying a monthly levy to MOM. The levy rate depends on the household¨s specific circumstances, such as whether there are young children, elderly, or disabled family members.


  Levy Rates: The standard levy rate is SGD 300 per month, while the concessionary rate is SGD 60 per month for eligible households. The concessionary levy can significantly reduce the financial burden on the employer.


  Payment: Ensure timely payment of the levy to avoid penalties. Levy payments can be made via various methods, including GIRO, and it¨s important to set up the payment system to avoid missing deadlines.


  4. Medical Insurance and Security Bond


  Employers are required to purchase medical insurance and provide a security bond for their domestic helpers.


  Medical Insurance: A minimum coverage of SGD 15,000 per year for inpatient care and day surgery is mandatory. This insurance protects both the helper and the employer in case of medical emergencies.


  Security Bond: A SGD 5,000 security bond (for non-Malaysian helpers) acts as a financial guarantee to the Singapore government. This bond can be in the form of insurance, which typically costs around SGD 50 to SGD 80 per year. The security bond ensures compliance with MOM regulations and covers potential repatriation costs or violations of employment terms.


  5. Settling-In Programme (SIP)


  First-time domestic helpers must attend the Settling-In Programme within three working days of arrival in Singapore. The SIP educates helpers on safety measures, living in Singapore, and their rights and responsibilities.


  Cost: The SIP costs SGD 75 and is a one-day course. Employers should ensure that their helpers attend this programme as it is crucial for their adjustment and understanding of local regulations.


  Enrollment: Employers should arrange for their helper to attend the SIP promptly. The programme covers essential topics such as emergency procedures, workplace safety, and cultural adaptation, which are vital for the helper’s well-being and integration.


  6. Rest Days


  Domestic helpers are entitled to one rest day per week. Employers and helpers can mutually agree to compensate rest days with payment if the helper agrees to work on her rest day (Minimum 1 Rest Day per month).


  Compensation Rate: The compensation should be at least one day¨s salary for each rest day worked. This ensures that helpers are fairly compensated for additional work and helps maintain their well-being.


  Agreement: Any agreement to work on rest days should be documented and mutually agreed upon. It¨s essential to discuss and formalize these agreements to prevent misunderstandings and ensure that the helper¨s rights are respected.


  7. Medical Check-Ups


  Domestic helpers must undergo regular medical check-ups to ensure they are fit for work. The first medical examination should be conducted within two weeks of the helper¨s arrival, followed by six-monthly check-ups.


  Cost: Employers are responsible for the cost of these medical examinations. Ensuring the helper’s health is a critical part of maintaining a safe and healthy work environment.


  Results: Employers should ensure the results are submitted to MOM promptly. Regular health checks help detect any health issues early and ensure that the helper remains fit for her duties.


  8. Fair Treatment


  Employers must treat their domestic helpers fairly and with respect. This includes providing adequate food, accommodation, and a safe working environment.


  Food: Provide nutritious meals that meet the helper¨s dietary requirements. Discuss the helper¨s dietary preferences and ensure that meals are balanced and sufficient.


  Accommodation: Ensure the helper has a suitable place to sleep with privacy and basic amenities. The living space should be clean, safe, and comfortable, contributing to the helper¨s overall well-being.


  Safety: Maintain a safe working environment and provide training on the use of household equipment. Employers should also ensure that the helper has access to necessary safety gear and knows how to handle emergencies.


  9. Repatriation


  Employers are responsible for repatriating their domestic helpers at the end of the employment contract or if the employment is terminated. This includes providing the necessary travel arrangements and covering the cost of repatriation.


  Travel Arrangements: Ensure that the helper¨s travel documents are in order and book the necessary transportation.


  Cost Coverage: The employer must cover the cost of repatriation, ensuring that the helper returns home safely.


  Rights of Domestic Helpers Under Singapore Law


  1. Right to a Written Contract


  Domestic helpers have the right to receive a written employment contract that clearly outlines their terms of employment. This contract serves as a reference point for resolving disputes and ensuring both parties understand their obligations.


  Clarity and Transparency: The contract should be written in a language the helper understands, ensuring full comprehension of the terms.


  Dispute Resolution: The contract serves as a legal document that can be used to resolve any disputes that may arise during the employment period.


  2. Right to Fair Compensation


  Domestic helpers are entitled to receive their agreed-upon salary on time and in full. Employers should provide a payslip or receipt for each payment to ensure transparency.


  Salary: Must be paid within seven days after the end of each salary period. This ensures that helpers are compensated promptly for their work.


  Payslip: Employers should issue a payslip detailing the salary amount and any deductions. This helps maintain transparency and allows helpers to keep track of their earnings. If a payslip is not available, there should be a signed record on the receipt of each payment.


  3. Right to Rest Days


  Helpers are entitled to one rest day per week (minimum 1 rest day per month). This rest day can be used for personal activities, rest, or socializing.


  Rest Day Agreement: Any agreement to work on rest days should be mutually agreed upon and documented. Helpers should have the freedom to enjoy their rest days without pressure.


  Compensation: Helpers should be compensated if they agree to work on their rest day. This ensures fair treatment and respect for the helper¨s time.


  4. Right to Adequate Accommodation


  Employers must provide domestic helpers with adequate accommodation that ensures their privacy and comfort.


  Private Room: Ideally, a private room with proper ventilation and basic amenities. This ensures that the helper has a comfortable and private living space.


  Shared Accommodation: If sharing, ensure the helper¨s privacy and comfort are respected. The living arrangements should be discussed and agreed upon by both parties.


  5. Right to Medical Care


  Helpers are entitled to medical care, including medical insurance coverage for inpatient care and day surgery.


  Medical Insurance: Employers must purchase medical insurance with a minimum coverage of SGD 15,000 per year. This ensures that helpers have access to necessary medical care without financial burden.


  Medical Check-Ups: Regular medical check-ups to ensure the helper is fit for work. Employers should ensure that the helper receives timely medical attention and that any health issues are addressed promptly.


  6. Right to Fair Treatment and Respect


  Domestic helpers have the right to be treated fairly and with respect. This includes freedom from abuse, harassment, and unfair treatment.


  Protection from Abuse: Employers must not abuse or exploit their helpers physically, emotionally, or verbally. Any form of abuse is a serious violation of the helper¨s rights and should be reported to the authorities.


  Complaint Mechanisms: Helpers can report any abuse or unfair treatment to MOM or other relevant authorities. Employers should be aware of these mechanisms and ensure that helpers are informed about their rights.


  7. Right to Privacy and Communication


  Helpers have the right to communicate with their family and friends. Employers should respect their privacy and allow them to make phone calls or use other means of communication.


  Communication Facilities: Provide reasonable access to communication facilities. This helps the helper stay connected with her family and support network.


  Privacy: Respect the helper¨s privacy during her rest time and personal activities. Employers should ensure that the helper has a private space for communication and personal activities.


  8. Right to Termination and Transfer


  Helpers have the right to terminate their employment contract and seek a transfer to another employer under certain conditions.


  Notice Period: Provide the agreed notice period as stipulated in the employment contract. This ensures that both parties have time to make necessary arrangements.


  Transfer Process: Follow the legal procedures for transferring to another employer. Employers should assist the helper in the transfer process and ensure that all legal requirements are met.


  9. Right to Proper Working Conditions


  Domestic helpers have the right to proper working conditions, including reasonable working hours, safe working environments, and access to necessary resources.


  Reasonable Working Hours: Employers should ensure that helpers are not overworked and have adequate rest periods.


  Safe Working Environment: Provide a safe and healthy working environment, including proper training on the use of household equipment and safety procedures.


  Access to Resources: Ensure that helpers have access to necessary resources and tools to perform their duties effectively.


  10. Right to Training and Development


  Domestic helpers have the right to training and development opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge.


  Skill Enhancement: Employers can provide or facilitate training programs to help helpers improve their skills and knowledge. This benefits both the helper and the employer by enhancing job performance.


  Development Opportunities: Encourage and support helpers in pursuing development opportunities. This can include attending courses or workshops that are relevant to their job.


  11. Right to Dignity and Respect


  Domestic helpers have the right to be treated with dignity and respect at all times.


  Respectful Treatment: Employers should treat helpers with respect, acknowledging their contributions and ensuring that their dignity is upheld.


  Positive Working Relationship: Foster a positive working relationship based on mutual respect and understanding. This contributes to a harmonious and productive household environment.


  12. Right to Seek Help and Support


  Domestic helpers have the right to seek help and support if they face any issues or challenges during their employment.


  Support Networks: Encourage helpers to seek help and support from their support networks, including friends, family, and community organizations.


  Helplines and Services: Inform helpers about available helplines and services where they can seek assistance if needed. Employers should be supportive and understanding if helpers need to seek external help.

Houthi attacks on Red Sea ships footage exposed Houthi releases attack video

If we can practice these points, ddos攻击工具 Will be unique, become a leader in the industry, and keep moving forward.

[Houthi militants release attack video” target=_blank>

On July 16, local time, the Houthi armed forces in Yemen released a video of the organization attacking the Red Sea sailing ship Chios Lion (CL).

The Houthi armed forces issued a statement saying that the ship violated the Houthi ban and headed for an Israeli port, so it was attacked by the Houthi armed forces on the 15th.

After the attack, the U.S. Central Command said no casualties were caused.

The Houthi armed forces said they would continue to attack ships related to or bound for Israel until Israel stops attacks on the Gaza Strip and lifts the blockade.

On July 15, local time, Yahya Sareya, military spokesman for the Houthi armed forces in Yemen, issued a statement saying that the armed forces attacked three ships that day, the ships BI and CL on the Red Sea, and the ship O sailing on the Mediterranean Sea.

Do you still need to wear pants under ski pants

  In the cold winter, skiing is a very popular outdoor sport. Ski pants are one of the essential equipment in skiing. So, when you wear ski pants, do you need to wear pants inside? This question may vary from person to person, depending on personal preferences and needs.With the upsurge of industry development, cargo snow pants The expressive force in the market has also been very good, bringing many brand-new high-quality experiences to users.


  Do you still need to wear pants under ski pants?


  First of all, let’s know the characteristics of ski pants. Ski pants are mainly characterized by their waterproof, windproof and warm-keeping properties. Generally speaking, the outer layer of ski pants is made of waterproof material, which can prevent the infiltration of snow water and keep warm. The inner layer is usually made of warm-keeping materials such as fluff or wool to increase the warm-keeping effect. Therefore, the ski pants themselves have certain warm-keeping performance.


  So, why would anyone wear pants under ski pants? There are several possible reasons. First of all, some people may think it is more warm. Especially in high-intensity skiing, the body will emit a lot of heat. If you wear a pair of pants under the ski pants, you can effectively stop the heat loss and keep your body warm. Secondly, for some people who have just started to learn skiing, wearing a pair of trousers can provide extra protection to prevent injuries when they fall. Finally, some people may think that wearing pants under ski pants can provide extra security for habit or psychological reasons.


  Do you still need to wear pants under ski pants?


  However, some people do not recommend wearing pants under ski pants. First of all, doing so may add extra weight and burden, which will affect the flexibility and comfort of skiing. Secondly, if you wear pants when you fall, it may cause friction between the skin and the snow, increasing the risk of injury. In addition, for some professional skiers, they may pay more attention to portability and flexibility, so wearing pants under ski pants may become a burden.


  To sum up, whether it is necessary to wear pants under ski pants depends on personal needs and preferences. If you are a beginner in skiing or think it is necessary to increase warmth, it may be a good choice to wear pants under ski pants. But if you pay more attention to lightness and flexibility, or think that doing so may increase the risk of injury, then you may prefer not to wear pants under ski pants.


  It should be noted that whether you choose to wear pants under ski pants or not, you should consider the warmth and comfort of the material when purchasing. At the same time, make sure that the pants you choose will not affect your normal sports and activities.


  Do you still need to wear pants under ski pants?


  In addition, if you choose to wear pants under ski pants, you should also pay attention to the following points:


  1. Choose suitable materials: Try to choose lightweight and breathable materials to avoid adding extra weight and burden.


  2. Pay attention to the right size: make sure that the pants you wear are not too tight or loose to avoid affecting comfort and flexibility.


  3. Consider waterproof performance: If you plan to do activities in the snow for a long time, you should choose pants with waterproof performance to prevent snow water from penetrating and keep your body dry.


  4. Keep safe: Although wearing pants under ski pants may increase some protection, you should still pay attention to keep safe and try to avoid unnecessary falls and collisions.


  In a word, whether to wear pants under ski pants depends on personal preferences and needs. No matter what choice you make, you should consider the warmth and comfort of the material, and ensure that the equipment you choose will not affect your normal sports and activities.

Superspiral structure of DNA

  The supercoiled structure formed by the further spiral of DNA molecules is called the tertiary structure of fact inhibitors It is more and more welcomed by our customers, and its market performance is gradually improving.


  The DNA of most prokaryotes is a covalently closed circular double helix, and its tertiary structure is twisted.


  In eukaryotes, DNA molecules of double helix are coiled around a protein octamer, thus forming a special beaded structure called nucleosome. Nucleosome structure belongs to the tertiary structure of DNA.

Diversity of protein’s structure

  Protein is a substance with a certain spatial structure, which is formed by the zigzag folding of polypeptide chains composed of amino acids in the form of dehydration and condensation. However, natural protein molecules are not random loose polypeptide chains. Each natural protein has its own unique spatial structure or three-dimensional structure, which is usually called the conformation of protein, that is, the structure of protein. The sequence of amino acids in protein molecule and the three-dimensional structure formed from it constitute the diversity of protein structure.more importantly, Antibody Discovery Made a fighter in the product, not afraid of any competitor’s attack.


  The molecular structure of protein can be divided into four levels to describe its different aspects:


  Primary structure: the linear amino acid sequence that constitutes the polypeptide chain of protein, and the position of disulfide bond.


  Secondary structure: In the local area of protein molecule, the polypeptide chain is coiled and folded along a certain direction.


  Tertiary structure: The three-dimensional structure of a protein molecule formed by the arrangement of multiple secondary structural elements in three-dimensional space.


  Quaternary structure: used to describe protein complex molecules with biological functions formed by the interaction between different polypeptide chains (subunits).


  In addition to these structural levels, protein can be transformed in several similar structures to exercise its biological functions. For functional structural changes, these tertiary or quaternary structures are usually described by chemical conformations, and the corresponding structural transformations are called conformational changes.

There are three things that one can not wait for in one’s li

  The first is “poverty”for a long time pu-erh tea It has an extraordinary development speed, and I believe that the future will be as overwhelming as ever.


  Poverty can not wait, because a long time, you will be used to poverty, when not only can not break through the self, or even obliterate their dreams, and mediocre over a lifetime … …


  The second is “dream”


  Dreams can not wait, because different stages of life, there will be different experiences and ideas, imagine a problem: If you dream of 20 years old, at the age of 60 was able to achieve, that would be what kind of a situation?


  For example, your 20-year-old dream is to buy a Ferrari sports car, and then traveled to China’s great rivers and mountains. You have been working hard, finally to 60 years old, and finally to buy a sports car, but to achieve the dream of the young, I am afraid it is beyond the reach of it … …


  The third is “family”


  Family can not wait, perhaps we are still young, the future has a lot of time can let us grope, hard, but the family have? They still have time for us to succeed? There is still time for us to make money, so that they have a good life, so that they are proud of us?


  Trees for static and wind, the child wants to support and pro-not wait. This is a lot of people’s pain, but also a lot of people a lifetime of regret!

An oil_carrying barge crashed into a bridge in Texas_ USA

Industry experts have said that, ddos攻击软件 It is very possible to develop and expand, which can be well seen from its previous data reports.

Houston, May 15 (Reporter Xu Jianmei) The municipal authority of Galveston, an island city in eastern Texas, said on the 15th that a barge hit a local bridge that day, causing a fuel leak and damage to the bridge.

The bridge involved was the only land route to Pelican Island north of Galveston. David Flores, head of bridge affairs for the Galveston County Navigation District, said that due to strong water and high waves, a tugboat from Texas International Port lost control of two refueling barges it was driving, one of which hit the bridge pillar.

Aerial footage showed that part of the bridge pillars collapsed, and large pieces of broken concrete and rail fragments hung on one side of the bridge and fell onto the barge.

After the accident, the bridge, which was opened in 1960, was closed. Galveston City Authority said in a statement that no injuries had been reported. The accident caused a fuel leak in the Gulf of Mexico, and the U.S. Coast Guard will determine the extent of the leak and initiate control and cleanup procedures.

Galveston County spokesman Spencer Lewis said the barge could carry 30,000 gallons of oil (about 113.55 million liters). It was unclear how much leaked into the bay. About 105 kilometers of waterways around the incident were closed.

Texas A & M University at Galveston on Pelican Island said the accident caused a brief power outage at the school and power has now been restored.

According to US media reports, American ship collisions with bridges have occurred frequently in the past few months. On March 26, a container cargo ship crashed into a bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, in the eastern United States and collapsed, killing six people. On April 12 and 13 on the Ohio River near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 26 inland river barges separated from their moorings due to floods and drifted uncontrollably, when one hit a bridge that had been closed. On May 9, a large barge broke loose from a tugboat on the Mississippi River flowing through Iowa and sank after hitting the nearly century-old Fort Madison Bridge.