Uzbek MP_ Macron is considering sending troops with a _firm attitude_ Russia_ It is not difficult to eliminate the French army in Uzbekistan

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According to a report by Russia’s “Labor” on March 20, Alexei Goncharenko, a member of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine, said on the 20th that the French government is considering sending troops to the Ukraine border to help the Ukrainian army liberate its troops.

The report said that the Ukraine lawmaker said he learned the news from his French counterpart at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

He emphasized that discussions on France sending troops to Ukraine are indeed ongoing.

Gonchalenko also said that the number of this force is not yet certain. However, French President Macron is very firm.

Goncharenko said France was forming an alliance and Poland and the Baltic states might join. Another option is to establish a base in western Ukraine, where Ukrainian soldiers can be trained and artillery shells produced.

The report mentioned that the French Ministry of Defense issued a statement a day ago saying that Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency Director Naryshkin’s statement that the French leadership was preparing to send 2000 soldiers to Ukraine was spreading rumors. At the same time, the news that there were French soldiers in Ukraine was also false. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova immediately responded to the Paris statement. She wrote on the Telegraph social platform: Has the French government abandoned its citizens again?(Compiled by He Yingjun)

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Medvedev: Eliminating French forces in Ukraine is not difficult

According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 20, The Russian Federation Security Council Vice Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on the telegram social platform that if France sends troops to Ukraine, eliminating them will be the primary and glorious task of the Russian armed forces.

According to reports, Medvedev believes that it is difficult for the French army to hide its traces in Ukraine, so it is not difficult to eliminate them, and it is impossible to conceal the large number of deaths of French professional soldiers.

Medvedev wrote on the Telegraph social platform: These unfortunate people will become official combatants of the (foreign) intervention force. Eliminating them will be the primary and glorious task of our armed forces.

Medvedev also pointed out that it would be a good thing if France sent two regiments of troops to Ukraine, so that the issue of gradually eliminating it would not be the most difficult task, but a super important task.

Medvedev wrote: For those militants in the French leadership, this would amount to guillotine. Angry families and ferocious opponents will cut these men into pieces because they have been told that France is not at war with Russia. This will be a good lesson for other restless European fools.

Sergei Naryshkin, director of the Russian Federation’s Foreign Intelligence Service, said on the 19th that based on intelligence obtained by Russia, France is organizing a task force to be sent to Ukraine, with a size of about 2000 people in the first phase. (Compiled by Liu Yang)

Putin_ Ukrainian troops attack Russia in an attempt to disrupt Russian presidential election vote

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Moscow, March 15th Russian President Vladimir Putin said on the 15th that the Ukraine army has tried repeatedly to attack Russia in recent days without success. The Ukrainian army has tried to disrupt the Russian presidential election vote through attacks.

When Putin held a video meeting with members of the Russian Security Council that day, he said that from the 12th to the present, Uzbekistan has mainly used special forces, foreign mercenaries and Ukrainian military support forces to repeatedly attempt to enter Russian territory and create many sabotage and terrorist attacks. Four of them occurred in the direction of Belgorod and one occurred in the direction of Kursk.

Putin said that the Ukrainian army used more than 2500 people, 35 tanks and 40 armored vehicles for this purpose, but it was unsuccessful and as a result, it lost 60% of its personnel and more than 50% of its armored equipment.

He also stressed that the Ukrainian army’s above-mentioned actions are meaningless from a military perspective and criminal from a humanitarian perspective. The purpose is to disrupt the Russian presidential election voting process and intimidate Russian civilians in the area bordering Ukraine.

The Russian Ministry of Defense issued a notice on the 15th, saying that from the 12th to the 14th, the Russian armed forces, together with the border defense department of the Russian Federal Security Service, thwarted Ukrainian armed men’s incursion into the territory of the Russian Belgorod and Kursk Oblast. Uzbekistan lost more than 1500 soldiers in the operation, of which about 500 were killed, and 18 tanks and 23 armored vehicles were destroyed.

The official voting for the 2024 Russian presidential election will be held from the 15th to the 17th. According to the Russian president, Putin participated in the presidential election voting online on the 15th. (Reporter Huang He)

Most of the prisoners who escaped from prison in Niger have been captured

For the current market situation, ddos攻击平台 It has a very advantageous development prospect and an extremely superior ecological environment.

Abidjan, July 14 (Reporter Zhang Jian) News from Niamey: Niger’s Defense and Security Forces issued a communiqué on the evening of the 13th, saying that most of the dozens of prisoners who recently escaped from the country’s Kutukare prison have been captured and three others were killed.

The communiqué said the area where the prison is located has been cordoned off and an aerial search operation is still underway to find the remaining fugitives. The military called on the public to be vigilant and immediately report any suspicious person or any relevant information to the authorities.

On the evening of the 11th, a prisoner escape occurred at Kutukare Prison in Tirabei Province, Tirabei Region, western Niger. The prison is located 50 kilometers northwest of Niamey, the capital of Niger, and holds members of extremist organizations such as the Boko Haram Islamic State. In 2016 and 2019, two jailbreaks occurred in this prison, both of which were successfully prevented.

Organic chemistry the molecular cornerstone of life

  Organic chemistry is an important branch of studying carbon compounds, involving the source, structure, properties and other aspects of organic matter, and providing revelation for the material basis of life phenomena. It plays a key role in medicine, industrial production and other fields, but it still faces challenges such as green synthesis and drug molecular selectivity. Organic chemists are constantly exploring new reaction mechanisms and synthetic methods to promote the development of the discipline.For the current market situation, inhibitors It has a very advantageous development prospect and an extremely superior ecological environment.


  Generated by the author through intelligent technology


  In the vast universe of science, organic chemistry is like a bright star, leading us to explore the mystery of life. As a subject of studying carbon compounds, organic chemistry, with its unique charm, closely links all fields of natural science and reveals the material basis of life phenomena for us. Organic chemistry, an important branch of chemistry, is a subject that studies the source, structure, properties, separation, preparation, application and related theories of organic matter. “Organic matter” here refers to compounds containing carbon elements, such as alcohols, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, etc. It is worth noting that although organic matter mainly comes from organisms, with the development of science and technology, people have been able to synthesize many artificial organic compounds with biological activity, such as drugs, dyes, plastics and so on.


  The main research contents of organic chemistry include: synthetic chemistry of organic matter; Metal organic chemistry and elemental organic chemistry; Physical and theoretical organic chemistry; Stereochemistry; Bioorganic chemistry; Natural product chemistry; Chemistry of organic materials.


  The importance of organic chemistry:


  1. Basis of life: From the origin of life to the growth and development of organisms, carbon always plays a vital role. Through the study of organic chemistry, we know the structure and function of biological macromolecules such as protein, nucleic acid, sugar and lipid, which are the material basis of life.


  2. Key in the field of medicine: Many drugs and bioactive substances are organic compounds, such as antibiotics, antiviral drugs and hormones. By studying the structure and function of these substances, scientists are constantly discovering new treatments to protect human health.


  3. The core of industrial production: Organic chemistry plays an important role in industrial production. For example, in the process of petroleum refining, heavy hydrocarbons in petroleum can be converted into light hydrocarbons by the action of catalysts; In the process of plastic synthesis, organic chemical reactions provide a steady stream of power for the plastic industry. Although organic chemistry has made remarkable achievements in many fields, it still faces many challenges.


  First of all, in environmental protection, how to realize green synthesis and reduce the discharge of harmful waste is an urgent problem for organic chemists.


  Secondly, in the field of medicine, how to improve the selectivity of drug molecules and reduce side effects is also a difficult problem to be solved urgently. Faced with these challenges, organic chemists are constantly exploring new reaction mechanisms, catalysts and synthetic methods. I believe that in the near future, organic chemistry will bring us more surprises and inject new vitality into the development of human society. Organic chemistry, as a discipline to study the molecular cornerstone of life, plays an important role in natural science. Let’s walk into this wonderful world hand in hand, grow in exploration, break through in innovation, and jointly write a bright future of organic chemistry.

Composition characteristics of protein

  Protein is a complex organic polymer compound composed of α -amino acids combined in a certain order to form a polypeptide chain, and then one or more polypeptide chains are combined in a specific way. Amino acids are the basic units of protein, and they are linked into peptide chains through dehydration and condensation. Each polypeptide chain has twenty to hundreds of amino acid residues (-R); Various amino acid residues are arranged in a certain order.know recombinant proteins The market will definitely bring great influence to the whole industry.


  the composition characteristics of protein


  The amino acid sequence of protein is encoded by the corresponding gene. In addition to the 20 basic amino acids encoded by the genetic code, in protein, some amino acid residues can be modified after translation to change their chemical structure, thus activating or regulating protein. Multiple protein can form a stable protein complex together, often by combining together, and fold or spiral to form a certain spatial structure, thus playing a specific function. The organelles of synthetic peptides are ribosomes on rough endoplasmic reticulum in cytoplasm. The difference of protein lies in the variety, number, arrangement order of amino acids and the spatial structure of peptide chains.


  Protein is composed of C (carbon), H (hydrogen), O (oxygen) and N (nitrogen), and generally protein may also contain P (phosphorus), S (sulfur), Fe (iron), Zn (zinc), Cu (copper), B (boron), Mn (manganese) and I (iodine).


  The composition percentage of these elements in protein is about: 50% carbon, 7% hydrogen, 23% oxygen, 16% nitrogen, 0-3% sulfur and other trace amounts.


  All protein contains N element, and the nitrogen content of various protein is very close, with an average of 16%;


  Every 1g of N in any biological sample means that there is about 100/16=6.25g protein, and 6.25 is often called protein constant.

Face a small universe

  Summer dusk, I sit with an old Chinese medicine in the breeze slowly chatting the river. Suddenly, the old man stared at my face for a moment and did not say anything. I was his heart to see some hair, asked: “The elderly, you are so concerned about my face, is not something to see ah?Now, everyone is right pu-erh tea Are more concerned, hoping to get more benefits from it.


  Old man smiled and said: “I am from primary school medicine, the teacher told me again and again, ‘people peace of mind level, see the eyes; life span, look at the face’ medical life, develop habits, and Oh, and people Together, they always want to look at his face more glances.


  I said: “The elderly, all know that the eyes are the soul of the window, the first sentence I can understand, you can say ‘life span, look at the face’, I am a little puzzled.Human life, how to write in the face What about it? “


  If a person is always sad intestine knot, mood melancholy, over-thinking, suspicious of the old man said: \ look at the face, in fact, I look at his face two, one eyebrow, Indecisive, can not see the hope of life and the good life, then, between the eyebrow must form a deep ‘eight’ pattern.’8 ‘pattern, is caused by squeezing distortion, Yin is too strong, the mood Difficult to cool, it will stagnate in the organs; Jiuyin poisonous, viscera unbearable corrosion, must be made for the disease; sick in the body, is bound to further deteriorate the mood.People once caught in the heart and the destruction of each other malignant disease Circle among the health does not exist, where there will be longevity of the reason? Eyebrow between the ‘eight’ pattern, in fact, cut the knife of life, so my teacher had more than once said to me, ‘brow wrinkled, You must be careful yo. “


  The elderly, then let my heart anxious, usually not pay attention to the eyebrow between the ‘eight’ pattern, even with such a large knowledge. I could not help but curiosity driven, and then asked: “That mouth can see what?


  A person if the hearty and fun, often laughing more than, the teeth often in the sun, then, in order to make the mouth a little bit, The ‘brackets’ is radian, as if the relative out of the two and a half months, set in the cheek on top of the vivid expression of light from the formation of the reasons we can see, brackets who are really comfortable Because the ‘brackets’ on both sides of the mouth, but also a symbol of the balance of yin and yang, therefore, it is encompassed by the health of the body, the spirit of the sparse, the vitality of life, leisurely and carefree, The music of the state of mind and the endless hope of life in such a life and mental state of the people, you say he can not live longer?


  Really listen to Jun words, read the book a decade, my heart is not good fun ah. It turned out that our face, really reveal the mentality of our strengths and weaknesses, the vicissitudes of life and life status and other important information ah. Therefore, we usually still often look in the mirror to see if his face is increasing or deepening: the eyebrow between the “eight” pattern, or the mouth “brackets” it!

Separation and Purification of protein

  Separation and purification of protein;know inhibitors The market will definitely bring great influence to the whole industry.


  1. Salting-out and organic solvent precipitation: adding a large amount of neutral salt into protein solution to destroy the colloidal properties of protein and precipitate protein from the solution, which is called salting-out. Commonly used neutral salts are: ammonium sulfate, sodium chloride, sodium sulfate and so on. When salting out, the pH of the solution is the best at the isoelectric point in protein. Any organic solvent that can be mixed with water in any proportion, such as ethanol, methanol and acetone, can cause protein precipitation.


  2. Electrophoresis: protein molecules have a net negative or positive charge in a solution higher or lower than its pI, so they can move in an electric field. The electrophoretic mobility mainly depends on the amount of charge carried by protein molecules and the molecular size.


  3. Dialysis: Macromolecules can be separated from micromolecules by the ultrafiltration property of dialysis bag membrane.


  4. Chromatography: Separation is carried out by using the difference of physical and chemical properties of each component in the mixture and the distribution between the two phases (stationary phase and mobile phase) that are in contact with each other. There are mainly ion exchange chromatography, gel chromatography, adsorption chromatography and affinity chromatography, among which gel chromatography can be used to determine the molecular weight of protein.


  5. Ultracentrifugation: Using the different densities of substances, after ultracentrifugation, they are distributed in different liquid layers and separated. Ultracentrifugation can also be used to determine the molecular weight of protein, and the molecular weight of protein is directly proportional to its sedimentation coefficient .

The function of protein

  Protein is the “building material” of organisms and cells, such as protein in muscles, and human hair and nails are all made of protein.In view of the actual needs of society, Antibody Discovery We need to change some original problems to better serve the society and benefit people.


  Catalytic function:


  The chemical essence of most enzymes in organisms is protein. In our daily life, we also use enzyme-added washing powder, which can effectively remove stains.


  Immune function:


  In our present environment, there are bacteria and viruses everywhere, and our body will not get sick every three days with an immune system, and immune proteins, such as antibodies, play a key role in this.


  Transport function:


  Protein with transport function can be divided into two categories, one is familiar to us-hemoglobin in red blood cells, which is used to transport oxygen; The other is the carrier protein on biofilm, which is used to transport amino acids, glucose and other substances.


  Adjustment function:


  Some protein can transmit information and regulate the life activities of the body. Such as insulin, which regulates glucose metabolism.

There are three things that one can not wait for in one’s li

  The first is “poverty”Mentioned in the article pu-erh tea Born with strong vitality, you can turn a cocoon into a butterfly and become the best yourself after wind and rain.


  Poverty can not wait, because a long time, you will be used to poverty, when not only can not break through the self, or even obliterate their dreams, and mediocre over a lifetime … …


  The second is “dream”


  Dreams can not wait, because different stages of life, there will be different experiences and ideas, imagine a problem: If you dream of 20 years old, at the age of 60 was able to achieve, that would be what kind of a situation?


  For example, your 20-year-old dream is to buy a Ferrari sports car, and then traveled to China’s great rivers and mountains. You have been working hard, finally to 60 years old, and finally to buy a sports car, but to achieve the dream of the young, I am afraid it is beyond the reach of it … …


  The third is “family”


  Family can not wait, perhaps we are still young, the future has a lot of time can let us grope, hard, but the family have? They still have time for us to succeed? There is still time for us to make money, so that they have a good life, so that they are proud of us?


  Trees for static and wind, the child wants to support and pro-not wait. This is a lot of people’s pain, but also a lot of people a lifetime of regret!

The secondary structure of DNA

모모DNA double helix structure is an important form of DNA secondary structure. It is a structural model put forward by Watson and Crick in 1953.understand inhibitors In order to better serve customers and reflect the core competitiveness of products.


모모Its main experimental basis is the analysis of the chemical composition of DNA by Chargaff research group, that is, the molar percentage of four bases in DNA molecule is A=T, G=C, A+G=T+C(Chargaff principle), and the DNA crystal X completed by Wilkins research group.


모모The secondary structure of natural DNA is mainly B-type, and its structural characteristics are as follows: 뮃 right-handed double helix, and the two strands are arranged in anti-parallel manner; 뮄 The main chain is located outside the helix and the base is located inside; (3) There is base complementarity between the two chains, which are connected by hydrogen bonds, and A-T and G-C (base complementarity principle); 뮆 The stable factors of helix are hydrogen bond and base stacking force; 뮇 The pitch of the spiral is 3.4nm and the diameter is 2nm.