Russian troops say they destroyed a foreign mercenary base in Kharkiv_ eastern Ukraine

Mentioned in the article shantui bulldozer Born with strong vitality, you can turn a cocoon into a butterfly and become the best yourself after wind and rain.

According to a report by the Tass news agency on March 20, a powerful Russian department revealed that Russian troops had destroyed the foreign mercenary base in Kharkiv, eastern Ukraine.

Russia’s powerful ministry said: Many mercenary bases have emerged in Kharkiv, one of which has been destroyed.

According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 20, Sergei Lebedev, coordinator of the Nikolaev underground organization, revealed that Russian troops attacked a factory in Kharkiv where soldiers from the Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine had participated in the attack on Belgorod, Russia.

Reports said that Lebedev provided relevant videos of the Russian attack. He said: During the day today,(Russian troops) launched a strike on the city of Kharkiv and attacked the drone production department. The factory where this production department is located is divided into an electrical equipment factory and the 115th armored factory. The drones produced are of good quality. There were deployed military personnel from the General Intelligence Service, those who attempted to attack Belgorod Oblast.

According to reports, according to information obtained by the underground organization, the Russian army also eliminated drone assembly workers and foreign experts.

It is reported that this workshop has produced vampire six-axis drones. The Ukrainian army and Security Service sealed off the area where the factory was located after the Russian attack. (Compiled by Li Ran)

CPPCC member Sun Chengye calls for the acceleration of the introduction of Geek Bar industry standards

As an expert who has been studying poisoning for a long time£¬ Sun Chengye has paid attention to the social phenomenon that the age of teenagers exposed to Geek Bar is getting younger. At the same time£¬ he also deeply analyzed the potential harm of Geek Bar and the reasons why it attracts teenagers in the proposal.Today, people are interested in GeekBarVape There are also many dependencies, and the expectations for products are getting higher and higher.

On March 6£¬ Sun Chengye said in an interview with Red Star News that teenagers who smoke Geek Bar are often more likely to become a potential group of traditional cigarette smokers in the future. At the same time£¬ he also pointed out: As long as the restrictive policies are introduced in a timely manner£¬ the situation of teenagers smoking Geek Bar will be much better.

Why pay attention to Geek Bar?

Sun Chengye: The trend of smoking Geek Bar is getting younger

As a researcher at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention£¬ why did Sun Chengye pay special attention to the proposal of teenagers staying away from Geek Bar at this years two sessions? In this regard£¬ Sun Chengye responded to Red Star News and said: On the one hand£¬ it is related to my profession£¬ and on the other hand£¬ I saw that some medias publicity of Geek Bar was inappropriate£¬ so I drafted this proposal.

It is understood that studying poisoning is one of Sun Chengyes scientific research directions. In Sun Chengyes view£¬ Geek Bar mixes and heats multiple substances before entering the human body. In addition£¬ e-liquid is composed of multiple ingredients£¬ and the products after heating and their activity are more complex£¬ so the potential health impact of Geek Bar is difficult to assess.

What worries Sun Chengye even more is that some media promote Geek Bar as a harmless product£¬ which indirectly leads to teenagers buying and using Geek Bar.

According to the China Youth Tobacco Survey Report released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2014£¬ 45.0% of junior high school students have heard of Geek Bar£¬ and 1.2% of junior high school students have used Geek Bar in the past 30 days. By 2019£¬ this proportion has increased to 2.7%.

Behind the proposal£¬ Sun Chengye had consulted with many parents whose children had smoked Geek Bar. From the feedback of parents£¬ Sun Chengye gradually realized that Geek Bar is no longer an exclusive product for adults£¬ but has extended its claws to teenagers and even children£¬ and Geek Bar is showing a trend of younger age. In Sun Chengyes opinion£¬ in addition to the physical and mental health hazards of teenagers smoking Geek Bar£¬ it will also bring about a potential habit formation£¬ which will eventually make teenagers who smoke Geek Bar become potential cigarette smokers. Sun Chengye told Red Star News that a research data showed that even students who have only used Geek Bar 1-2 times are 2.88 times more likely to use traditional cigarettes one year later than those who have never used them.

What are the hazards of Geek Bar?

Contains nicotine£¬ complex ingredients and potential risks

Why is Geek Bar loved by some teenagers? Sun Chengye analyzed that because Geek Bar merchants promote Geek Bar as trendy£¬ healthy and harmless£¬ and Geek Bars stylish£¬ simple£¬ technological style£¬ and cool and diverse flavors£¬ they eventually become consumers of Geek Bar or traditional cigarettes who did not smoke before.

But Geek Bar is not a healthy substitute for traditional cigarettes. Sun Chengye made it clear in his proposal that Geek Bar inhalation is addictive. He explained that Geek Bar produces smoke by atomizing and heating the e-liquid£¬ which produces a specific feeling when inhaled£¬ and is addictive.

According to the information obtained by Sun Chengye£¬ teenagers are more sensitive to nicotine than adults£¬ and the harm of nicotine to teenagers is more obvious. Nicotine will affect the function of the developing brain£¬ such as the decline of attention£¬ learning ability£¬ and impulse control ability. Excessive intake may also be life-threatening.

So£¬ does Geek Bar contain nicotine? Sun Chengye gave a positive answer. He also pointed out that some cheap Geek Bar oils that are counterfeit from the original factory from unknown sources actually contain many chemicals in the smoke£¬ such as propylene glycol£¬ diethylene glycol£¬ cotinine£¬ quinoline£¬ tobacco alkaloids or other ultrafine particles and volatile organic compounds£¬ in addition to nicotine£¬ formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. Long-term use may cause cancer.

In addition to the harm of nicotine itself£¬ Sun Chengye also reminded that there are more than 15£¬000 flavors of Geek Bar on the market£¬ among which the added ingredients are complicated£¬ and the proportions and dosages are very arbitrary£¬ so the impact on health is very uncertain.

How to control teenagers smoking?

Sun Chengye: Strengthen supervision in the sales process£¬ and schools should do a good job in publicity

In his proposal£¬ Sun Chengye made three suggestions on preventing teenagers from smoking Geek Bar: First£¬ speed up the introduction of Geek Bar industry norms so that management has a legal basis£» second£¬ strictly implement the Minor Protection Law£¬ prohibit businesses from selling Geek Bar to minors£¬ and schools carry out relevant publicity and education£» third£¬ formulate standards and management methods for the production and sale of Geek Bar.

In fact£¬ according to the provisions of the Minor Protection Law of the Peoples Republic of China£¬ it has been clearly prohibited to sell cigarettes to minors£¬ including Geek Bar£» formulate comprehensive management methods for the production and sale of Geek Bar.

my country has mentioned in the Minor Protection Law that Geek Bar cannot be sold to minors. Sun Chengye pointed out that on the basis of the existing legislation£¬ the next step should be to strengthen control at the operational level.

Sun Chengye told Red Star News that first of all£¬ the market supervision department needs to strengthen management in the Geek Bar sales process. At present£¬ there are still unscrupulous businesses selling Geek Bars to teenagers. Sun Chengye called for greater supervision in this link£» on another level£¬ Sun Chengye pointed out that schools should do a good job in management and publicity£¬ Let students understand the harm of Geek Bars£¬ and at the same time strengthen management and clearly prohibit students from using Geek Bars.

With the introduction of restrictive measures£¬ the situation of teenagers using Geek Bars will be much better. Sun Chengye said that according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention£¬ from 2017 to 2019£¬ the proportion of high school students using Geek Bars more than doubled from 11.7% to 27.5%. However£¬ after the introduction of a series of restrictive policies£¬ the proportion of high school students using Geek Bars fell back to 19.6% in 2020.

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Advantages and disadvantages of e-cigarettes_geek-bar-pulse_GeekBarVape

For travelers£¬ the joy of travel is refreshing£¬ but did you know? Bringing Geek Bar to a country like Thailand may result in a fine or even put you in jail. Currently£¬ many countries£¬ including Seychelles and Brazil£¬ also ban the sale of Geek Bars£¬ but this has not stopped the increase in global Geek Bar consumption.We have every reason to believe. GeekBarVape It will become the mainstream of the industry and will gradually affect more and more people.

Whether Geek Bar is good or bad£¬ this article introduces it very comprehensively

On October 10 this year£¬ Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam delivered a policy address£¬ proposing a total ban on the sale of Geek Bars and other new tobacco products. This is an unexpected turn£¬ as the Hong Kong government has previously advocated restricting the sale of Geek Bars only to minors. Carrie Lam said: In my Policy Address£¬ I proposed a total ban on Geek Bars to protect the health of citizens£¬ especially children and teenagers.

Since the launch of Geek Bar£¬ there has never been a break in the debate and questioning of it£¬ and their potential risks and benefits have been in heated debate.

Its time for a debate on Geek Bars£¬ and the theme of this debate is Should we promote Geek Bars?

Geek Bars are harmful to health£¬ so we shouldnt promote them

Vaping sounds cool£¬ almost futuristic£¬ and its sales are increasing year by year£¬ but how is the publics acceptance of it? A new public opinion survey surveyed more than 2£¬000 adults on their views on Geek Bars. In the poll£¬ most adults do have doubts about Geek Bars: 85% said they are concerned that the long-term health effects of these devices are unclear£» 83% are at least a little concerned about teenagers using Geek Bars. On the other hand£¬ only 41% of people think that Geek Bars are healthier than traditional cigarettes£¬ and 42% think it is a great way to quit smoking.

1. Can Geek Bars help quit smoking? Think twice before you act

Since its birth£¬ Geek Bars have been closely related to peoples desire to quit smoking. With so many Geek Bars and e-liquid products£¬ an important part of the distributors sales strategy is to vigorously promote Geek Bars as a substitute for traditional cigarettes to help quit smoking. But is this really the case? Kalkhoran and Glantzs paper published in the Lancet Respiratory Medicine tells us that through the analysis of more than 40£¬000 smokers£¬ it was found that the success rate of people who used Geek Bar to quit smoking was actually lower than that of the control group who did not use Geek Bar.

In June 2018£¬ an article appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine NEJM£¬ A Pragmatic Trial of E-Cigarettes£¬ Incentives£¬ and Drugs for Smoking Cessation (A Practical Clinical Trial on Geek Bar Incentives and Smoking Cessation Drugs) by a team of doctors and scientists from Philadelphia. The study mainly focuses on the role of Geek Bar£¬ economic rewards and drugs in smoking cessation. The entire trial lasted for six months£¬ and the effect of smoking cessation was determined by biochemical tests on blood or urine samples provided by the subjects. Guess£¬ in such a clinical trial£¬ how many people successfully quit smoking for six months?

The answer is: 80 people£¬ accounting for 1.3% of the 6006 subjects. Students who want to quit smoking through Geek Bar£¬ think twice before you act.

2. Geek Bar and physical health

There is strong evidence that the vast majority of Geek Bars contain a variety of potentially toxic substances. In terms of nicotine intake£¬ reports have revealed substantial evidence that nicotine exposure in Geek Bars among experienced nicotine users is comparable to combustible tobacco cigarettes.

Nicotine in Geek Bars may have some negative health effects. Chronic nicotine exposure may lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes£¬ although this risk may be offset by nicotines well-known appetite suppressant effect.

Inhaling nicotine increases heart rate and blood pressure. Nicotine itself is highly addictive£¬ and it can cause changes in the brain and increase the risk of addiction to other drugs£¬ especially in young people. Nicotine may also impair the development of the prefrontal brain in adolescents£¬ leading to attention deficit disorder and poor impulse control. In view of this£¬ the rate of teenage Geek Bar use has soared£¬ and these potential hazards of nicotine are really quite worrying.

Nicotine in e-liquids may also be a family hazard. Many e-liquids have candy and fruit flavorings and packaging£¬ making them attractive to children. Cases of nicotine poisoning from e-liquids have soared£¬ with accidental e-liquid ingestion by children increasing 1£¬500 percent in the past three years.

Flavored e-cigarettes can pose a health risk. They often contain a compound called diacetyl£¬ which has been linked to a rare lung disease called bronchiolitis obliterans£¬ which causes permanent damage to the bronchioles. Moderate evidence suggests that Geek Bars may cause increased coughing and wheezing in adolescents£¬ as well as acute exacerbations of asthma. A study published in the American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology also found that short-term exposure to Geek Bars was enough to cause lung inflammation similar to or worse than traditional smoking.

Propylene glycol and glycerol£¬ the main ingredients in e-liquids£¬ are not considered dangerous on their own. However£¬ they can break down when heated by a vaporizer and turn into toxic compounds such as formaldehyde. This is more common with newer vaporizers that use high wattages.

The National Academies of Sciences£¬ Engineering£¬ and Medicine released a report evaluating research on the health effects of Geek Bars. The committee found strong evidence that drinking or injecting e-liquids can be fatal£¬ exposure to the skin or eyes can cause seizures and other serious problems£¬ and that Geek Bar devices can explode and cause burns and other injuries.

3. Geek Bar is also carcinogenic

There is no doubt that the nicotine component in cigarettes is closely related to the occurrence of lung cancer£¬ and the smoke produced by Geek Bar contains nicotine flavorings and other chemicals. Dr. Wang-Rodriquez and colleagues at the University of California£¬ San Diego£¬ published their findings in Oral Oncology: Geek Bar may cause serious damage to human cells and cause cancer. Cells exposed to Geek Bar smoke extracts are more likely to suffer DNA damage and death than unexposed cells.

In detail£¬ the DNA chains of exposed cells break£¬ which can lead to cancer. In addition£¬ exposed cells are more likely to undergo apoptosis and cell death£¬ both of which are forms of cell death£¬ the latter of which is triggered by external factors such as physical injury or poisoning.

Geek Bar has more advantages than disadvantages and should be promoted

You may have read some earlier studies saying that e-cigarettes can harm your health. These studies quickly made national headlines with exaggerated headlines claiming that Geek Bars are dangerous. You have to know that bad news is more likely to attract attention than good news. People always pay attention to and remember the bad things£¬ but forget the good things.

Previous studies showing how valuable Geek Bars are£¬ or their advantages compared to regular cigarettes£¬ have not received the same attention. When looking at such widely publicized research£¬ it is better to first understand the test results and what it actually claims.

1. E-cigarettes are better than regular cigarettes

One thing to be clear is that e-cigarettes are still better for you than cigarettes. Countless studies have proven that there are no carcinogens in Geek Bars£¬ there is no secondhand smoke£¬ and the vapor produced by Geek Bars is much less harmful to the lungs than cigarette smoke.

Last month£¬ the National Academies of Sciences£¬ Engineering£¬ and Medicine reviewed more than 800 studies on the health effects of Geek Bars. The report found no available evidence to indicate whether Geek Bar use is associated with the possible development of cancer in humans£¬ and limited evidence in animal studies.

Public Health England has been a strong supporter of Geek Bars£¬ as they were one of the first to claim that Geek Bars are better than cigarettes. In their most famous statement£¬ they said that e-cigarettes are at least 95% less harmful than cigarettes. A recent study by Martin Dockrell£¬ head of tobacco control at Public Health England£¬ said: Geek Bars are not 100% risk-free£¬ but they are significantly less harmful than ordinary cigarettes.

Despite the current doubts about Geek Bars£¬ the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom still sticks to their views on e-cigarettes£¬ saying: E-cigarettes have the potential to make a significant contribution to preventing premature health deaths£¬ diseases and social inequalities caused by smoking

2. Compared with cigarettes£¬ e-cigarettes produce less than 1% of carcinogens

We all know that cigarettes are not good for us£¬ but what most people dont know is that they contain more than 4£¬000 chemicals and 50 known carcinogens. Whats more£¬ smoking-related diseases are the leading preventable cause of death in the world. Smoking causes many health problems such as heart attacks£¬ strokes£¬ chronic breathing disorders£¬ cancer£¬ and can greatly reduce someones quality of life.

In fact£¬ over 1 million people die from smoking-related diseases in China each year£¬ and over 800£¬000 die each year in the UK and across Europe. Over 24£¬000£¬000 people seek medical treatment each year in Europe for something that is completely preventable.

Public Health England recently stated that ¡°e-cigarettes are at least 95% less harmful than regular cigarettes¡±!

A recent study conducted by the University of St Andrews sought to measure the difference between the vapor of a Geek Bar£¬ a ¡°heat not burn¡± cigarette£¬ and the vapor of a conventional cigarette. Specifically£¬ it looked at the amount of each carcinogen. The results found that Geek Bar had less than 1% of the carcinogens present in tobacco smoke.

Geek Bar has only 4 simple ingredients! These include propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin (used in candy£¬ sweets£¬ gum£¬ soft drinks£¬ fat-free ice cream and cake mixes)£¬ food flavoring£¬ and nicotine.

So what would you rather inhale into your lungs? The 4£¬000 chemicals and carcinogens known to be found in tobacco or just these 4 ingredients?

3. No Tar or Secondhand Smoke

When we smoke£¬ it not only affects us£¬ but also has a huge impact on those around us. Breathing another persons smoke£¬ or passive smoking£¬ has been clearly linked to cancer. Passive smoking can increase a non-smokers risk of lung cancer by 25%£¬ and may also increase the risk of laryngeal and pharyngeal cancers. Secondhand smoke can also lead to other health problems£¬ including heart disease£¬ stroke£¬ and breathing problems.

It is estimated that more than 100£¬000 people die each year in China from lung cancer£¬ heart disease£¬ stroke£¬ and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) caused by secondhand smoke. So even for those who dont smoke£¬ the presence of cigarettes around them can have an adverse effect on their lives. E-cigarettes contain no tobacco or tar£¬ and the effects of secondhand smoke are greatly reduced. By eliminating the 4£¬000 chemicals and 50 known carcinogens found in cigarettes£¬ experts consider Geek Bar a safer choice.

4. No Lingering Smell

One of the biggest complaints we hear about smoking is the smell. That lingering£¬ stale smell of an ashtray that seems to go everywhere. It lingers on your clothes£¬ your hair£¬ your breath£¬ your home£¬ and your car. No matter how many mints or mouthwash you use£¬ it¡¯s always there. No matter how much perfume or cologne you spray on your clothes£¬ the smell of cigarettes will still outweigh it.

All the air fresheners in the world don¡¯t seem to get rid of that awful smell in your house. As a smoker£¬ you¡¯ll only notice a small portion of the smell. But for those who don¡¯t smoke£¬ the stench can be much worse. Geek Bars are odorless!

5. More convenient

20 years ago£¬ you could smoke almost anywhere£¬ on a plane£¬ in the office£¬ at a bar£¬ smoking was so common. Since the implementation of anti-smoking laws in 2007 that banned smoking in public places£¬ a night out at the bar has become a night of standing outside instead of enjoying festivities with friends! Smoking in the workplace is no longer legal. Most people wouldn¡¯t want you to smoke in their homes!

Since Geek Bars don¡¯t contain tobacco£¬ they don¡¯t fall under the jurisdiction of anti-smoking laws. Therefore£¬ you can use them without spending the vast majority of your time outside! Although some bars and restaurants may not allow you to use your Geek Bar inside£¬ there are still many who encourage it more.

6. It helps people quit smoking

One of the hardest things to give up when quitting is the hand-to-mouth action and the hit in the back of the throat. Many people complain that the downfall of many smoking replacement devices is that they dont give them the same feeling£¬ making it hard for them to make the switch and stick with it.

E-cigarettes are designed by former smokers to replicate the same feeling that regular cigarettes give you. So you still get a hand-to-mouth action£¬ a similar throat hit£¬ and even exhale a smoky vapor! It looks and feels just like what youre used to£¬ helping to make it easier to switch.

According to the views published by Public Health England (PHE) and the National Academy of Sciences£¬ Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) of the United States at the same time in 2018£¬ both departments believe that Geek Bars help smokers quit regular cigarettes and are worth encouraging.

New research from the University of Exeter and the University of Melbourne£¬ funded by Cancer Research UK£¬ suggests that Geek Bars should be more publicly promoted as a friendly smoking cessation service£¬ and that greater use of Geek Bars has the potential to have a considerable beneficial impact£¬ thereby helping people quit smoking. Both Public Health England (PHE) and the National Center for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) say that vaping can play a role in smoking cessation services. The ongoing tension of using a Geek Bar in a stop smoking service can be a significant barrier for people to seek support.

NATO military delegation visited Ukraine for the first time after the outbreak of Russia_Ukraine conflict

for a long time chinese dozer It has an extraordinary development speed, and I believe that the future will be as overwhelming as ever.

According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 21, Dutch Admiral Robbauer, chairman of the NATO Military Committee, who is visiting Ukraine, said that he is leading the first NATO military delegation to visit the country since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Reported that Powell said in a speech at a security forum in Kiev that he was leading the first NATO military delegation to visit Ukraine since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

He said the reason for the visit was that NATO and Ukraine were getting closer than ever before.

Reports said that Russia had previously issued notes to NATO countries regarding their practice of providing weapons to Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov pointed out that any cargo containing weapons for Ukraine will become a legitimate target for Russian troops. The Russian Foreign Ministry said that NATO countries that provide weapons to Ukraine are playing with fire. Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said that Western arms supplies will not help the success of Russia-Ukraine negotiations and will only have a negative impact.

According to a report by the German News TV channel on the 20th, Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski said that Western soldiers are open secrets in Ukraine. He said that as the German Chancellor said, there are already troops from a number of major powers in Ukraine. (Compiled by Liu Yang)

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Russian media_ Trump will talk to Putin__no middleman_

In combination with these conditions, chinese dozer It can still let us see good development and bring fresh vitality to the whole market.

According to a report by TASS on July 16, a senior Republican official attending the Republican National Convention told TASS reporters that Trump was prepared to hold a dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin on resolving the Russia-Ukraine conflict without any middleman.

The report said that when answering a question about whether Republican presidential candidate Trump was prepared to start a dialogue with Putin on the Ukraine issue, the senior Republican Party official stressed: There is no doubt that he will start a dialogue with Putin, and there will be no middleman.

He said: Right now, the Democratic Party is not engaged in any negotiations with Russia. Of course, one person should start negotiations so that you (Russia and Ukraine) can reach some kind of agreement. When asked if the person was Trump, he gave an affirmative answer.

The senior Republican official believes that NATO should not appear in Ukraine and that the conflict should be resolved through negotiations. He said: NATO should not be present in Ukraine. There is a need for dialogue, and if dialogue opens, we can reach an agreement on how to resolve the (Ukraine) conflict.

According to reports, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov emphasized that Russia remains open to any dialogue on Ukraine issues, including dialogue involving intermediaries, provided that Russia’s own goals must be achieved. On June 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed conditions for mediating the situation in Ukraine, including the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from places such as Donbas and Zaporozhye, and Kiev’s abandonment of joining NATO. In addition, Russia believes that the West should lift all sanctions against Russia and establish Ukraine’s non-aligned and non-nuclear status. (Compiled by Zhu Lifeng)

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  Expiration Date: January 19, 2027

E-commerce helps the Geek Bar industry_geek-bar-pulse_GeekBarVape

When it comes to Geek Bar£¬ the difference in the development of the international and domestic markets is staggering. The potential of the international Geek Bar market and the rapid pace at which Geek Bar is eroding the traditional tobacco market are already a consensus in the industry. Under the conditions of tightening policies in the global external market£¬ as the global production center of Geek Bar£¬ Chinese Geek Bar practitioners have to think about where the future of the Geek Bar industry will go?Only by working together can we turn GeekBarVape The value of the play out, the development of the supply market needs.

Vigorous or Walking on Thin Ice

At present£¬ as peoples health awareness continues to improve£¬ Geek Bar£¬ as an emerging traditional tobacco substitute£¬ is attracting more and more attention from groups£¬ because it has smoke and some taste similar to cigarettes£¬ and can meet the nicotine intake needs of smokers. It is no exaggeration to say that£¬ to some extent£¬ Geek Bar can completely become a substitute for traditional cigarettes.

Data shows that the global Geek Bar market size has been US$900 million since 2010£¬ and the compound growth rate has increased at a rate of 41%. There are currently about 500 domestic Geek Bar manufacturers£¬ most of which are concentrated in Shenzhen£¬ and the industry is in a state of perfect competition. In 2016£¬ the production of Geek Bar in China was 1.205 billion£¬ and in 2017 it was about 1.6 billion. It is expected that the production of Geek Bar will exceed 2.2 billion by the end of 2018.

It is enough to see that the market development prospects of Geek Bar are particularly optimistic.

However£¬ it must be said that the Chinese market is very ignorant of Geek Bar£¬ the quality of practitioners is low£¬ and the brand marketing ability is poor. The development speed of Chinese Geek Bar enterprises is very slow. Traditional retail channels can no longer meet the needs of such a sluggish Chinese market. The important way to solve the problem of Geek Bar expanding the market is WeChat business!

Interaction between WeChat business platform and social new retail model

Due to the upgrading of consumption and the imbalance of supply and demand£¬ a data-driven pan-retail form centered on consumer experience has gradually formed. In order to better grasp and reap the dividends of the new era£¬ the emergence of social new retail has provided new opportunities and unpredictable future for the majority of enterprises.

In 2017£¬ the scale of WeChat business transactions exceeded 500 billion yuan£¬ and 50 million people were engaged in WeChat business entrepreneurship£¬ and it has been growing year by year. Hanshu entered the WeChat business in 8 months and created a sales legend of 1.8 billion£» Li Baijing Doctor entered the WeChat business in 1 day and created a marketing miracle of 200 million£» Sancaoliangmu entered the WeChat business from 0 to 2 billion£¬ dominating the beauty WeChat business£» in 2018£¬ more and more traditional enterprises entered the WeChat business£¬ such as Trumpchi Weiye£¬ Xiaocaitiao£¬ Mengniu£¬ Yanghe Liquor£¬ Wahaha£¬ Renhe Pharmaceutical£¬ and 1£¬000 traditional enterprises successively laid out social new retail.

These successful cases of WeChat business have set a good example for traditional enterprises when their sales are declining. Entering the WeChat business has become a good way for enterprises to transform and upgrade£¬ and for mass innovation and entrepreneurship.

The upcoming 5th Beijing WeChat Business Expo will inject new vitality into the social new retail model and build a higher quality light entrepreneurship platform for WeChat business users.

The 5th Beijing WeChat Business Expo will be held at the China National Convention Center in Beijing from December 22 to 24£¬ 2018£¬ approved by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Commerce and hosted by Yacheng Exhibition (Beijing) Co.£¬ Ltd. It is an international gathering place for the mobile e-commerce industry in Beijing twice a year£¬ gathering high-end exhibitors£¬ buyers and industry professionals from all over the world£¬ connecting with the international micro-business community£¬ and building a broad and effective channel£¬ franchise£¬ ***£¬ distributor£¬ wholesaler£¬ and brand communication ideal platform for the entire industry. This micro-business expo will be the spring of many Internet e-commerce companies and the hope of a large number of traditional retail industries.

We believe that the social new retail model combined with standardized micro-business channels can be perfectly combined with the current Geek Bar market situation! Its emergence has reshaped the consumer relationship: from personal experience to guiding the experience transformation of people around you£¬ such a fission-type promotion and marketing method not only guarantees the user experience of Geek Bar products£¬ but also correctly guides the user group£¬ giving consumers more choice. The future Geek Bar industry is expected to truly enter the public eye and become a consumer product generally recognized by society.

We hope that major Geek Bar companies can grasp the dividends brought by the combination of social new retail and micro-business£¬ and make the industry dream become a great brand. We hope that the Geek Bar market in the future can be recognized by more people£¬ allowing the vast number of WeChat business practitioners to see the light and lead everyone to listen to the new era with a more open vision and mind!

Besunyen Cleansing Herbal Infusion Digestive & Detox Support 50g 20 Bags

  Besunyen Cleansing Herbal Infusion is an all-natural herbal tea designed to support digestive health and promote gastrointestinal motility. With a unique blend of traditional herbal ingredients, this caffeine-free tea provides a gentle yet effective way to help you feel lighter and more comfortable every day.




  Green Tea Leaf


  Bitter Orange Leaf


  Magnolia Bark


  Mulberry Leaf


  Cassia Seed


  Nutritional Information (per tea bag)


  Energy: 5.6 kcal


  Total Carbohydrates: 0.13 g


  Sodium: 1.8 mg




  No Trans Fats


  Key Features


  Made with all-natural ingredients


  Caffeine-free formula


  Promotes digestive health


  Supports regular gastrointestinal function


  Directions for Use


  Place one tea bag in a cup.


  Add hot water and steep for 5-10 minutes.


  Enjoy 1-2 times daily, preferably after meals for best results.




  Net Weight: 50g (20 tea bags per box)


  Country of Origin: China


  Manufacturer Information


  Manufacturer: Beijing Outsell Health Product Development Co., Ltd.


  Address: No.1 Qiushi Industrial Park, Doudian Zhen, Fangshan District, Beijing, China, 102433


  Importer & Distributor: JC Abundant Life & Energy Inc., USA


  Batch Number: 01240106


  Manufacture Date: January 20, 2024


  Expiration Date: January 19, 2027