Expose the lies and conspiracy of the Marcos government on the Scarborough Island issue

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Beijing, March 21 / PRNewswire-Asianet /– title: expose the lies and conspiracies of the Marcos government on the Huangyan Island issue

Reporter Liu Zan

Recently, the government of Marcos in the Philippines has continued to provoke trouble on the South China Sea issue, including on Huangyan Island in China’s Zhongsha Islands. China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and their adjacent sea domain names, including Huangyan Island, and has sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the names of the relevant sea areas. The Marcos government’s claim of sovereignty over Huangyan Island is purely vexatious, and it is a backlash to discredit China on issues related to Huangyan Island and the South China Sea. Relying on provocative forces outside the domain name to stir up trouble on the South China Sea issue will only undermine regional peace and stability and lack the support of regional countries.

Vexatious plot to encroach on islands and reefs

Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on the 5th that the Philippine Senate passed the so-called maritime zone domain name bill in a vain attempt to solidify the illegal award in the South China Sea arbitration case in the form of domestic legislation, illegally including the names of most islands and reefs and related sea areas in China’s Huangyan Island and Nansha Islands into their maritime area domain names, seriously infringing upon China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea. The Chinese side firmly opposes this and has made solemn representations to the Philippines.

Since the beginning of this year, the Philippine Marcos government has been constantly provocative on Huangyan Island. On January 28, four Philippine personnel illegally intruded into the reef disk of Huangyan Island; from February 2 to 9, the Philippine Coast Police vessel 9701 illegally intruded into the domain name of the sea adjacent to Huangyan Island; on February 15, the Philippine Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Bureau 3005 vessel illegally intruded into the sea domain name adjacent to Huangyan Island; from 22 to 23 February, the Philippine Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Bureau 3002 vessel illegally intruded into the sea domain name adjacent to Huangyan Island. In these intrusive activities, Philippine vessels ignored the dissuasion and warnings of Chinese coast guard vessels, and when the warnings were invalid many times, the Chinese coast guard vessels took necessary measures to drive away Philippine vessels in accordance with the law, such as forcing outside the prison and route control. on-site operation is professional, legitimate, and rational and restrained.

China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and their adjacent sea domain names, including Huangyan Island, and has sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the names of the relevant sea areas. These sovereignty and rights and interests are formed in the long-term historical practice and have sufficient historical and legal basis. China exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction over Huangyan Island continuously, peacefully and effectively, including when the then Chinese Government approved and published the comparison list of the new and old names of the islands in the South China Sea in 1947, the name was designated as Democratic Reef. When New China announced some place names of the islands in the South China Sea in 1983, the standard name was Huangyan Island.

The territorial scope of the Philippines is determined by a series of international treaties, such as the 1898 Treaty of Peace between the United States and Spain, the Treaty on the cession of the Outer Islands of the Philippines in 1900, and the Treaty on the Boundary between British North Borneo and the Philippines in 1930. The South China Sea islands, including Huangyan Island, have never been part of the territory of the Philippines. Before 1997, the Philippines never challenged that Huangyan Island belonged to China and never made a territorial claim to Huangyan Island.

In April 2012, the government of Aquino III of the Philippines sent warships into the sea domain name near Huangyan Island, illegally arrested Chinese fishermen and fishing boats and inflicted serious inhumane treatment, deliberately provoking the Huangyan Island incident. Aquino III government launched the South China Sea arbitration case in 2013 and tried to deny China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea with the so-called arbitration results in 2016. However, territorial disputes do not fall within the adjustment scope of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and maritime delimitation disputes have also been excluded by China’s relevant declaration made in accordance with the Convention in 2006. The Philippine side’s move is a malicious abuse of the dispute settlement mechanism of the Convention and a violation of international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The so-called arbitration ultra vires trial, perverts the law judgment, the so-called award is illegal and invalid.

Rumors and hype try to discredit China.

In order to discredit China, the Marcos government made up lies. Nazario Brigera, a spokesman for the Philippine Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Bureau, said on February 17 that Chinese fishermen used cyanide to fish on Huangyan Island and deliberately damaged local fishing grounds to prevent Filipino fishermen from fishing in the area’s domain name. However, Tariela, a spokesman for the Philippine Coast Guard, admitted to the Philippine media that the Philippines did not have any investigation or evidence to prove that Chinese or Vietnamese fishermen used cyanide fishing on Huangyan Island.

China attaches great importance to the protection of ecological and fishery resources in the South China Sea. China has implemented a summer fishing moratorium in the South China Sea since 1999, according to the White Paper “China insists on resolving disputes between China and the Philippines through negotiations” issued by the Chinese government in 2016. By the end of 2015, China had established six national aquatic nature reserves, six provincial aquatic nature reserves with a total area of 2.69 million hectares, and seven national aquatic germplasm reserves with a total area of 1.28 million hectares in the South China Sea.

The so-called environmental problem is just one of the tactics used by the Marcos government to discredit China. The Philippine side has tried every means to portray China as a bully in the South China Sea and dress itself up as a weak person who has been oppressed in an attempt to mislead international public opinion and put pressure on China.

Recently, Philippine ships often take reporters to report and hype when they invade Chinese islands and reefs, calling the reasonable and legitimate law enforcement measures of the Chinese coast police violent eviction. The British Radio has reported that allowing reporters to film close contact between Chinese and Philippine ships is part of a deliberate strategy by the Philippine government to draw attention to China’s brute force.

In fact, China has been committed to resolving the South China Sea issue through dialogue and negotiations. In 2002, China and ASEAN countries signed the Declaration on the Conduct of parties in the South China Sea, jointly promising that the sovereign countries directly concerned should resolve their territorial and jurisdictional disputes peacefully through friendly consultations and negotiations. In recent years, China and ASEAN countries have actively promoted consultations on a code of conduct in the South China Sea. On the other hand, the Philippine side reneged on its commitments in the “Declaration” and a series of bilateral documents with the Chinese side, insisted on invading Chinese islands and reefs, and deliberately rammed the Chinese coast guard ship in defiance of dissuasion and warning, and what it did can be called a modern story of farmers and snakes.

Maintaining the stability of the South China Sea is in line with the national interests of the region

The Asia-Pacific region is the most dynamic zone of the global economy, and maintaining the stability and prosperity of this region is not only in the national interests of the region, but also conducive to global economic development. The Marcos government relies on forces outside the domain name to deliberately infringe, provocation and smear the South China Sea. Some countries outside the domain name continue to encourage and support Philippine actions based on their own geopolitical interests, aggravating tensions in the South China Sea and seriously endangering regional peace and stability.

Recently, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar has repeatedly criticized the West for inciting fear of China. Anwar also said that there is no problem between Malaysia and China, and Western countries should not hinder the development of friendly relations between Malaysia and its important neighbor China.

Anwar’s statement reflects the common aspirations of most countries in the region for peace, development and unwillingness to take sides. Weng Desheng, a political commentator in Singapore, said that the economic development of ASEAN countries benefits from the hard-won peaceful and stable environment, and all countries should strive to maintain such an environment, and dialogue and negotiation is the best way to deal with the South China Sea issue.

Anna, deputy director of the Philippine Asian Century Strategic Research Institute, pointed out that interference by forces outside the domain name is an important reason for increased tensions in the South China Sea, which not only complicates the South China Sea issue, but also undermines the unity of relevant countries in dealing with the South China Sea issue. Forces outside the domain name should stop using the Philippines as a pawn and agent for strategic competition with China, and the Philippines should not be used by external forces. (participating reporters: Wang Xiaowei, Liu Jie, Cai Shuya)

White House comments on Russia_s election_ disagree_ don_t care

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According to a report by the TASS news agency on March 18, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov told the media on the 18th that Russia does not agree with the US authorities ‘evaluation of the Russian presidential election and is not prepared to take this evaluation seriously.

Earlier, an official of the White House National Security Council said that the U.S. authorities believed that the Russian presidential election was neither free nor fair.

Reported that Peskov pointed out: We absolutely disagree with this evaluation. In a speech to the media late on the 17th, President Putin said that this evaluation was completely unexpected and foreseeable.

Peskov also said that the United States has been deeply involved in the Ukraine conflict and is in fact a country at war with Russia. Russia certainly does not expect it to make other evaluations. He also said that what Russia needs to reiterate is that we never agree with them, which may not be an opinion we are prepared to take seriously or that is important to us in these days.

Russia’s presidential election was held from March 15 to 17, and some regions of Russia adopted remote electronic voting for the first time. After counting 9943% of the votes, the Russian Central Election Commission announced that current President Vladimir Putin was far ahead in the general election with a vote rate of 8732%. (Compiled by Liu Yang)

Japan_s scallop exports are in a difficult situation_ the government is looking for opportunities in Southeast Asia

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According to Japan’s “Daily News” reported on March 19, Japan’s scallop exports have fallen into a difficult situation.

The report said that due to China’s long-term suspension of importing Japanese aquatic products, Japanese scallops are facing a difficult situation. Despite the efforts of the government and aquatic industry operators to expand export markets, Hokkaido, which accounts for 80% of Japan’s scallop production, has nowhere to export.

We plan to send Japanese companies to your country to inspect new scallop processing sites and hope to get the support of the minister. On March 1, Japanese Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tetsuki Sakamoto raised the above hopes when he met with Mexican Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Villalobos, who was on a visit.

The Japanese government is also looking for opportunities in Southeast Asia. In addition to exploring the possibility of establishing scallop processing sites in Vietnam and other countries, on February 19, Tetsushi Sakamoto also invited ambassadors to Japan from six ASEAN countries including Thailand to visit Toyosu Market in Jiangdong District, Tokyo to vigorously promote Japanese scallops.

Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries stated that China has previously been Japan’s largest export destination of aquatic products, and scallop exports to China ranked first among all categories with 48.9 billion yen in 2022. Nearly half (1.43 million tons) of Japanese scallops exported overseas are sold to China. Among the 960,000 tons of shelled frozen scallops, 30,000 to 40,000 tons are processed in China and then exported to the United States.

However, in 2023, affected by the discharge of Japan’s nuclear-treated water into the sea, China dropped to third place in Japan’s aquatic products exports, and scallop exports to China dropped sharply by 44%. Even if Japan wants to process its own exports, it is limited by a shortage of manpower, and the United States does not allow the import of scallops with shells, causing scallop exports to be in trouble.

However, setting up a separate scallop processing site is not easy. In January this year, when the Japan External Trade Organization led a number of Japanese companies to inspect factories in Vietnam, they encountered a practical problem: how to process scallops that Americans like. According to reports, Americans like to use scallops to make teppanyaki, and the scallops are roasted. The volume will shrink, and Chinese companies have developed special technology to make them smaller and still meet the needs of American consumers. But the technology of Japanese and Vietnamese companies is not yet up to it.

The U.S. behavior while supplying arms to Israel while aiding Gaza has been widely criticized by the international community

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Following the airdrop of aid supplies, U.S. President Biden announced that he would build a dock in the Palestinian Gaza Strip and provide aid by sea. The United States ‘move to deliver weapons to Israel while providing humanitarian aid to Gaza in the form of airdrops and construction of docks has been widely questioned by the international community.

U.S. President Biden announced in his State of the Union address on the 7th that the United States will build a temporary port on the Mediterranean coast of the Gaza Strip to receive supplies. The U.S. Central Command said on the 9th that a U.S. military logistics support ship had set off from the Langley-Eustis Joint Base in Virginia for the eastern Mediterranean Sea, carrying the first equipment needed to establish the temporary port. The U.S. Department of Defense earlier issued a temporary port construction timetable, saying that the project would require more than 1000 soldiers to participate and could take nearly 60 days.

Before announcing the construction of a temporary port, the United States also chose to provide aid to the Gaza Strip through airdrops. However, the effectiveness of these U.S. actions was questioned.

Abil Etfa, spokesman for the World Food Program in the Middle East: Airdrops cannot compete with or replace truck fleets in terms of the quantity of supplies delivered; they are also much more expensive than land fleets in terms of cost. The amount of airdropped supplies is extremely limited. Only a very, very few people can benefit from it.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations has called on the U.S. president to stop playing both a firefighter and an arsonist in the Gaza Strip.

Providing both food and bombs, Biden may involve himself in the Gaza War. The New York Times published an article titled on the 8th, saying that although Biden decided to provide assistance through air and sea transportation, the other side is still providing bombs to Israel. The United States may suddenly find that it is already at the same time to some extent. The position of both sides in the conflict has raised questions and concerns about its role.

A friend posted that the United States ‘actions were extremely hypocritical. The hypocrisy and double standards of American politicians are world-class. What the United States is doing is like cutting off people’s legs and giving them several wheelchairs.

Michael Fahri, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to food: I have reason to believe that this is a show to cater to the American audience as the U.S. election approaches. This is the only reasonable explanation. According to my previous description, from a humanitarian perspective, an international perspective, and a human rights perspective, the United States ‘airdrops and the establishment of sea ports seem ridiculous.

Some people in the Gaza Strip even bluntly said that the so-called aid efforts of the United States are actually useless. The United States has not made any real efforts to save the humanitarian disaster there.

Hassan, the displaced: Instead of telling us they will build a port to help us, stop supplying weapons to Israel, all those weapons from the United States are killing us and our children anytime and anywhere.

Foreign media_ An air force base in Iraq where US troops are stationed was attacked

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According to a Reuters report on July 16, two Iraq military sources told Reuters that two armed drones attacked an air base in western Iraq where US military and other international troops were stationed on the 16th.

Reported that this is the second attack on U.S. troops stationed in Iraq since early February.

Sources said there were no reports of casualties. An Iraq officer said defense systems shot down a drone near the base.

In April, two drones were shot down near the base, according to a U.S. official.

According to reports, an Iraq army officer said the Iraq army has stepped up patrols around the base to prevent further attacks.

The report said a senior Iraq military delegation is expected to visit Washington in a week to continue negotiations on ending the U.S. -led coalition operations in Iraq.

Washington and Baghdad began negotiations in January to reassess the withdrawal of the U.S. -led coalition from Iraq. The coalition was formed in 2014 to help fight the Islamic State group that then occupied most of Iraq. (Compiled by Guo Jun)

Medvedev_ Eliminating French forces in Ukraine is not difficult

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According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 20, The Russian Federation Security Council Vice Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on the telegram social platform that if France sends troops to Ukraine, eliminating them will be the primary and glorious task of the Russian armed forces.

According to reports, Medvedev believes that it is difficult for the French army to hide its traces in Ukraine, so it is not difficult to eliminate them, and it is impossible to conceal the large number of deaths of French professional soldiers.

Medvedev wrote on the Telegraph social platform: These unfortunate people will become official combatants of the (foreign) intervention force. Eliminating them will be the primary and glorious task of our armed forces.

Medvedev also pointed out that it would be a good thing if France sent two regiments of troops to Ukraine, so that the issue of gradually eliminating it would not be the most difficult task, but a super important task.

Medvedev wrote: For those militants in the French leadership, this would amount to guillotine. Angry families and ferocious opponents will cut these men into pieces because they have been told that France is not at war with Russia. This will be a good lesson for other restless European fools.

Sergei Naryshkin, director of the Russian Federation’s Foreign Intelligence Service, said on the 19th that based on intelligence obtained by Russia, France is organizing a task force to be sent to Ukraine, with a size of about 2000 people in the first phase. (Compiled by Liu Yang)

The criminal in the _Suyuan case_ was sentenced again for violating the _travel ban_

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According to South Korea’s “Chosun Ilbo” and other South Korean media reports, Cho Dou-Chun, the prototype criminal of the South Korean film “So-won”, was sentenced to three months in prison by the South Korean District Court on the 20th for violating the night travel restriction after being released from prison.

According to South Korean media, Zhao Douchun was sentenced to 12 years in prison in 2009 and was released from prison after serving his sentence in December 2020. South Korean courts issued a restriction order on night travel.《

Chosun Ilbo stated that on the evening of December 4, 2023, Cho Douchun left home alone and wandered around the community for 40 minutes, during which he deliberately wandered near the guard post next to his residence, causing panic among community residents. His explanation to the police was that my wife and I had a quarrel.

_Islamic State_ claims responsibility for shooting in Moscow_ killing 40 people and injuring 145 people

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According to CNN, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the 22nd concert hall attack in Moscow.

The Russian Federation Security Service said on March 22 local time that a shooting incident at a concert hall in the suburbs of Moscow had killed 40 people.

CCTV quoted Russian Health Minister Murashko as saying on the 23rd that the terrorist attacks have injured at least 145 people, including 60 adults and 1 child in serious condition.

CNN said media affiliated with the extremist organization Islamic State issued a statement on social media claiming that the organization was responsible for the attack, but did not provide relevant evidence.

Russian media reported that the audience had already taken their seats before the start of a concert at the Crocus City Hall (CCH) Concert Hall in Krasnogorsk that night. Suddenly several unidentified people broke into the concert hall and opened fire. The concert hall then exploded and burst into flames and emitted smoke, and the roof was almost swallowed up by the fire. After the incident, people fled the concert hall.

The Russian Foreign Ministry called the shooting and bombing a bloody terrorist attack. The Russian Federal Security Service said law enforcement agencies are taking all necessary measures. In addition, Moscow airports have increased their security alert levels.

Moscow Mayor Sobyanin ordered all necessary assistance to be provided to all injured in the emergency and announced the cancellation of all sports, cultural and other mass events held in Moscow this weekend.

Scientists won the Nobel Prize for gene editing technology used to successfully eliminate infected HIV

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According to a BBC report on the 20th, researchers at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands said at a medical conference held on the 18th that they successfully removed the HIV virus (HIV) from infected cells using CRISPR gene editing technology.

Screenshots of related reports

It is reported that although existing drugs can prevent the HIV virus from further penetrating into the human body, they cannot clear the existing virus in the patient’s body. Even if patients receive effective treatment and the HIV virus in their bodies enters a dormant or latent state, they still carry HIV DNA or genetic material.

According to the BBC, the CRISPR gene editing technology used by the researchers is similar in principle to scissors, which can remove or inactivate HIV-infected cells by cutting DNA. This gene editing technology won the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

At present, the scientific research process at the University of Amsterdam is still in the proof-of-concept stage, and it will take a long time for it to be truly applied to AIDS treatment.

Scientists believe that if this new technology can be further developed, it will be expected to eliminate all HIV in the human body, thereby curing AIDS. However, some virologists also said that the possible off-target effects and long-term side effects of this technology are worrying.

Wen| Reporter Leng Shuang

2024 _Thirsty Lion_ joint military exercise held in Jordan_ 33 countries participated

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Amman, May 12 (Reporter He Yiping) The Jordanian Armed Forces announced on the 12th the start of the 2024 Thirsty Lion Joint Military Exercise. The military exercise will last until the 23rd, with 33 countries including the United States and Jordan participating.

Jordanian Armed Forces spokesman Mustafa Shiari said at a press conference on the same day that the thirsty lion joint military exercise is one of the most important military exercises in the Middle East. In addition to the sea, land and air forces of the participating countries, there are also some government and non-governmental agencies and humanitarian organizations participate. The military exercise will be held in northern, central and southern Jordan. It is the largest since the launch of the Kashi Lion joint military exercise, but it has nothing to do with the regional situation.

It is reported that this military exercise aims to allow participating countries to reach consensus on combating emerging and cross-border threats such as terrorist organizations and their supporters, the proliferation of drones and weapons of mass destruction, and find the best response methods and means. At the same time, coordinate the participating countries ‘action plans and goals in land, sea and air military operations, logistics support, response to natural disasters and epidemics.

Jordan has held the Thirsty Lion joint military exercise since 2011 and is held once a year except for suspension in 2020, 2021 and 2023. This year is the 11th time that Jordan has held the thirsty lion joint military exercise.