_Insufficient aid fighter jets__ Zelensky issued a _severe warning_ to allies

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According to a report by Newsweek on July 15, Ukraine President Zelensky issued a severe warning on the insufficient aid provided by allies to Ukraine for F-16 fighter jets. He said the number of F-16 fighter jets Ukraine received from allies this year was not enough to fight Russia.

Zelensky said at a press conference held in Kiev on the 15th: The decision to hand over F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine is strategic, but their number is not strategic.

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken said last week that Ukraine’s NATO allies have begun handing over U.S. -made F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine and announced that the fighters will fly over Ukraine this summer to ensure Ukraine can continue to effectively defend against Russia.

Reported that Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium have promised to provide a total of more than 60 fighter jets to Ukraine this summer. However, Bloomberg News quoted unnamed sources as saying on July 12 that Ukraine may receive far less fighter jets this year than expected to receive only 6 this summer, and may receive 20 by the end of the year.

Zelensky told reporters: I can’t say now how many such aircraft (we) will have. But their numbers are not enough. They will certainly strengthen us, but whether these aircraft are comparable to the Russian aviation fleet is not enough. Do we expect more? Of course!

The report mentioned that on May 29, after Belgium promised to deliver the first batch of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine this year, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov issued a warning to the West. (Compiled by Long Jun)

42 Kenyan women were killed_ dismembered and their bodies dumped in slums

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[A man in Kenya is suspected of murdering 42 women and dismembering and dumping their bodies in slums, including his wife” target=_blank>

On July 15, Kenyan police said they had arrested a man suspected of murdering 42 women and dumping their bodies in a slum. The man is suspected of killing 42 women, including his wife, starting in 2022.

Police said they had received a report from the family of one of the missing women and found the remains of nine people in the slum on the 13th.

On the 15th, police arrested the man near a bar in Nairobi, saying that the man lived only 100 meters away from where the remains were found. Police also found knives, nylon bags, rope, industrial gloves, women’s handbags and women’s underwear at the man’s residence.

Police are currently conducting further investigations into the man.

Zhao Anji_s blood alcohol level was three times higher than the legal limit before her death_ police released the latest report

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On March 20, local time, according to a report released by the Texas police in the United States, Anji Zhao (AC), chairman and CEO of Fumao Group, drove drunk into a pond on a ranch in Texas and drowned last month. Before Zhao Anji died, she called a friend for eight minutes. She also told the friend that she was going to die and said goodbye to her.

According to US media reports, the investigation concluded by the Blanco County Sheriff’s Office in Texas that Zhao Anji’s death was an unfortunate accident. Her blood alcohol concentration was 0233 grams per 100 milliliters, which was three times the state’s legal limit.

The report stated that police watched surveillance video from the scene, which showed Zhao Anji’s Tesla rushing forward, then reversing over the limestone wall, and rushing into the pond at about 11:38 pm on the 10th.

Blanco County Deputy Sheriff Robert Woodring (RW) said the release of the new detailed report also means that the investigation into Zhao Anji’s death has come to an end.

On February 10, 50-year-old Zhao Anji invited seven friends to a ranch near Johnson City (JC), west of Austin, Texas, for the weekend. Zhao Anji died after having dinner with her friends at the ranch on the evening of the 10th.

After Zhao Anji’s unfortunate death, Zhao Cheng re-served as chairman of Fumao Group, and Li Maike (ML) became president and CEO.

A sudden explosion occurred during US special forces training_ injuring at least 16 people at FBI training center

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According to Russian Sputnik quoted US media reports on March 14, at least 16 US special forces members were injured during a exercise at a training center in California.

Reports said that an explosion occurred during a joint training exercise with engineers in Orange County, California.

It is understood that the explosion occurred at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) training center.

The report pointed out that at least 16 people were injured, 15 of whom were taken to local hospitals and 1 person arrived at the hospital on his own. Thirteen people developed dizziness and tinnitus, and several suffered leg and back injuries, but no deaths were reported.

Taiwan’s Central News Agency also reported that local police said the cause of the explosion was not clear, but the accident occurred during the bomb disposal team’s training.

The report also said that news footage taken from helicopter aerial photography showed a yellow cordon outside a small single-story building surrounded by grass.

An FBI spokesman said no FBI personnel were injured and said the FBI would investigate the accident. This training facility is usually responsible for holding firearms training and qualification examinations for the FBI and local law enforcement agencies.

Prabowo was officially elected President of Indonesia

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Jakarta, March 20 (Reporter Ye Pingfan Tao Fangwei) The Indonesian Election Commission announced the final vote count results of the presidential election on the 20th. Current Defense Minister Prabowo and his running mate, the eldest son of current President Joko, and the mayor of Soro City Jiburan won with 5858% of the vote and was elected the next president.

On March 20, in Jakarta, Indonesia, Prabowo (center) spoke at a rally attended by media reporters and supporters. Fa (Photo by Agong)

Among the other two groups of campaign combinations, Anis, former governor of the Jakarta Capital District, and Muhaiming, general chairman of the National Awakening Party, received 2494%. Ganjar, former governor of Central Java Province, and former Indonesian Coordinating Minister of Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mohammed, the vote was 1646%.

Analysts believe that Prabowo’s victory reflects the eager expectations of a large number of voters for continuing Joko’s policies, developing the economy, promoting employment and improving people’s livelihood and well-being.

Voting for the 2024 Indonesian general election, including the presidential election, will be held on February 14. Prabowo’s presidential inauguration ceremony will be held on October 20 in Nusantara, Indonesia’s new capital.

Russian MP_ Will not participate in peace summit according to Uzbekistan_s conditions

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According to a report by Russia’s Lenta on July 16, Slutsky, chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the Russian State Duma (lower house of parliament) and leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, said on the telegram social platform that Moscow will not participate in the peace summit on Ukraine’s conditions.

According to reports, on July 15, Ukraine President Zelensky proposed inviting Russia to attend the next peace summit.

I’m setting tasks so that we can come up with a fully mature plan in November, Zelensky said. After the plan is finalized, everything will be ready for the second summit.

Reported that the U.S. State Department expressed support for Ukraine’s decision to invite Russia to participate in the next peace summit. (Compiled by He Yingjun)

The U.S. PPI accelerated month_on_month growth in February_ highlighting that the U.S. inflation situation is still severe

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Washington, March 14 (Reporters Xu Yuan and Xiong Maoling) Data released by the U.S. Department of Labor on the 14th showed that the U.S. producer price index (PPI) rose 06% month-on-month in February, an increase of 03 percentage points from January, highlighting that the U.S. inflation situation remains severe.

Data showed that the U.S. PPI increased by 16% year-on-year in February, the largest increase since September 2023. Excluding food, energy and trade services prices, core PPI increased by 04% month-on-month and 28% year-on-year.

In the same month, commodity prices increased by 12% month-on-month, the largest increase since August 2023. Among them, natural gas prices rose 68%, and grocery prices rose 1%. At the same time, service prices increased by 03% month-on-month.

PPI tracks changes in production costs and is a key measure of inflation. Analysts believe that PPI accelerated again in February, indicating that inflationary pressures in the United States continue and the Federal Reserve may need to maintain high interest rates for a longer period of time.

A tracking data from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange showed that after the PPI data was released, the market basically believed that the Federal Reserve would maintain the target range of the federal funds rate between 525% and 55% at the monetary policy meeting held from March 19 to 20.

China emphasizes that eliminating armed conflicts is the greatest protection for civilians

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United Nations, May 21: Fu Cong, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, delivered a speech at the Security Council open debate on the protection of civilians in armed conflict on the 21st, emphasizing that the elimination of armed conflict is the greatest protection for civilians.

Fu Cong said that saving lives in armed conflicts is certainly a noble goal, but it must be noted that as long as the conflict does not subside, civilian lives will be threatened at any time. At the same time, we must not forget that the primary responsibility of the Security Council is to maintain international peace and security. The Gaza conflict, which has lasted for more than seven months, has caused unprecedented civilian casualties and humanitarian disasters, and the lives of the millions of people currently gathering for refuge in Rafah are at risk. The Security Council should make promoting an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire a top priority. To this end, further action should be taken to urge Israel to immediately stop collective punishment of the Palestinian people and stop advancing its military offensive against Rafah, so as to give the people hope for survival.

Fu Cong said that international humanitarian law is the bottom line that must be jointly observed. The Security Council should continue to safeguard the authority of international humanitarian law and ensure its universal and uniform application. Double standards and selective application of humanitarian law are unacceptable and are tantamount to condoning more illegal activities in disguise.

Fu Cong said that attention should be paid to responding to the outstanding challenges brought by the proliferation of small arms and light weapons and the development of autonomous weapon systems. China calls for strengthening global governance of the arms trade, combating the illegal transfer of small arms and light weapons, and calls on all countries not to provide weapons to non-state entities. The risks of artificial intelligence and autonomous weapon systems as means of warfare are rising and deserve great attention. Countries should adhere to the principles of putting people first and intelligence for good to ensure that artificial intelligence is always under human control. China supports the formulation of a legally binding international instrument around lethal autonomous weapon systems.

Fu Cong said that improving the governance capabilities of countries involved in conflicts is the fundamental solution. When dealing with conflict situations, the international community should take systematic measures to support countries parties to conflicts in effectively enhancing their national defense, public security and counter-terrorism capabilities. At the same time, it is necessary to help the countries concerned accelerate development and gradually resolve the deep-seated causes of conflicts. China is willing to continue to work with the international community to make unremitting efforts to eliminate the scourge of war as soon as possible and ensure the happiness and tranquility of the people.

Putin_ troops will be redeployed on border with Finland

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Russian President Vladimir Putin said on the 13th that he would redeploy troops on the border between Russia and Finland in response to Finland’s accession to NATO, UPI reported on March 13.

Reported that Putin said in an interview with Russian state media that from the perspective of safeguarding national interests, the actions of Finland and Sweden are absolutely meaningless.

We used to have a good relationship with Finland on the whole, he said. It’s perfect. The two countries do not covet each other, especially territorial claims, let alone other areas. We didn’t even have troops at the border; we withdrew all our troops from the Finnish border.

But this is their decision, Putin said. Now that they have decided that we did not have troops there in the past, we will have them now.

It is reported that in 2022, shortly after Russia sent troops to Ukraine, Finland and Sweden applied to join NATO. Finland became a member of NATO in April last year, and Sweden did not formally join until last week because of opposition from Hungary and Turkey.

Putin’s remarks came after Finnish Prime Minister Peter Riolpo told the European Parliament in Strasbourg that other EU countries must follow Finland’s example and strengthen security in marginal areas. (compiled by Wang Dongdong)

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Putin warns the West: ready for nuclear war

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned the West that Russia is technically ready for a nuclear war and that if the United States sends troops to Ukraine, it will be seen as a major escalation of the war, Reuters reported on March 13.

Putin accepted a joint interview with Russia-1 Channel and Russian News Agency on the 12th. The program about this interview was officially broadcast on the 13th.

In response to the question of whether Russia is really ready to fight a nuclear war, Putin said: from the perspective of military technology, we are certainly ready, the report said.

Putin pointed out that the United States understands that if it deploys US troops on Russian territory or in Ukraine, Russia will regard this as intervention. So while I don’t think it’s all in a hurry to [nuclear confrontation” target=_blank>, we are ready for it, he said.

The conflict in Ukraine triggered the most serious crisis in relations between Russia and the West since the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. Putin has repeatedly warned that if the West sends troops to fight in Ukraine, it could lead to a nuclear war.

In the interview, Putin reiterated that the use of nuclear weapons is something already stated in the Kremlin’s nuclear policy, which sets out the possible use of nuclear weapons by Russia.

Putin said: weapons exist to use them. We have our own principles.

The report also said that for the conflict in Ukraine, which has lasted for two years, Putin said that Russia is ready to hold serious talks on the Ukraine issue.

Putin said: Russia is ready to negotiate on Ukraine, but the negotiations should be based on reality, not on desire after the use of psychotropic substances.

Reuters reported last month that Putin’s proposal to cease fire in Ukraine to freeze the war was rejected by the United States after middlemen between Russia and the United States.

According to the report, he also said in an interview that if the United States conducts a nuclear test, Russia may do the same.

We may not have to consider this issue, but I do not rule out the possibility that we will do the same, he said. (compiled by Longjun)

Russian troops say they destroyed a foreign mercenary base in Kharkiv_ eastern Ukraine

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According to a report by the Tass news agency on March 20, a powerful Russian department revealed that Russian troops had destroyed the foreign mercenary base in Kharkiv, eastern Ukraine.

Russia’s powerful ministry said: Many mercenary bases have emerged in Kharkiv, one of which has been destroyed.

According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 20, Sergei Lebedev, coordinator of the Nikolaev underground organization, revealed that Russian troops attacked a factory in Kharkiv where soldiers from the Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine had participated in the attack on Belgorod, Russia.

Reports said that Lebedev provided relevant videos of the Russian attack. He said: During the day today,(Russian troops) launched a strike on the city of Kharkiv and attacked the drone production department. The factory where this production department is located is divided into an electrical equipment factory and the 115th armored factory. The drones produced are of good quality. There were deployed military personnel from the General Intelligence Service, those who attempted to attack Belgorod Oblast.

According to reports, according to information obtained by the underground organization, the Russian army also eliminated drone assembly workers and foreign experts.

It is reported that this workshop has produced vampire six-axis drones. The Ukrainian army and Security Service sealed off the area where the factory was located after the Russian attack. (Compiled by Li Ran)