Six more countries have been added to the visa_free _circle of friends_ today. China continues to launch a series of practical measures

Sufficient data show that LANA電子煙 It can drive many people to find jobs, thus driving economic development.

Beijing, March 13 (Xinhua)– six more countries! The expansion of visa-free moments sends a strong signal of China’s opening up.


Starting from March 14, China will try out the visa-free policy for ordinary passport holders in Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg. This is another expansion of China’s visa-free circle of friends following the formal entry into force of the China-Thailand visa abolition agreement on the 1st of this month.

According to the relevant arrangements, people from Switzerland and other six countries who hold ordinary passports to China for business, sightseeing, visiting relatives and friends and transit for no more than 15 days from March 14 to November 30 in 2024 can enter China visa-free. People from the above-mentioned countries who do not meet the visa-free conditions are still required to apply for a visa to come to China before entering the country.

As of early March, China had concluded visa abolition agreements covering different passports with 157 countries and reached visa simplification agreements or arrangements with 44 countries. Including Singapore, Antigua and Barbuda and Thailand, which have signed visa abolition agreements with China since the beginning of this year, 23 countries have implemented comprehensive visa abolition arrangements with China. In addition, more than 60 countries and regions have granted Chinese citizens visa-free or visa-on-arrival treatment.

Leon, a Swiss businessman, runs a tourism service in Geneva and has many Chinese partners. He said that after China’s visa-free entry into force for Switzerland, it will be more convenient to visit friends or discuss cooperation in China. I believe there will be more Swiss like me, planning to go to China for a visit.

For some time, the Chinese side has continuously introduced a number of visa optimization measures to come to China, including reducing the contents of visa application forms, reducing visa fees in stages, simplifying the examination and approval procedures for studying in China, exempting some applicants from fingerprints, visa-free appointments, and trying out visa-free policies for some countries, to further solve the difficulties and congestion points of foreigners coming to China.

During the Spring Festival this year, the number of inbound tourists from China reached 3.23 million, and the number of visa-free tourists from France, Germany, Malaysia and Singapore increased significantly, and the total number of inbound travel orders from these countries doubled compared with the same period in 2019.

The Chinese side also continues to launch a series of practical measures to make life convenient for foreigners and make them feel at home.

In order to better meet the diversified payment service needs of groups, including foreign visitors to China, the “opinions on further optimizing payment Services to enhance payment convenience” was officially released on March 7. a series of requirements are put forward in improving the environment for accepting bank cards, continuously optimizing the environment for the use of cash, and improving the convenience of mobile payment.

In addition, in view of the practical problems encountered by foreign visitors in using mobile payment, the people’s Bank of China instructs Alipay and Tenpay to optimize their business processes, improve the efficiency of binding overseas bank cards, and simplify identity verification arrangements while effectively protecting the security of personal information. Major payment institutions are instructed to raise the limit of individual transactions for foreign visitors to China to use mobile payments from US $1000 to US $5000, and the annual cumulative transaction limit from US $10,000 to US $50, 000.

In various scenes that are closely related to people’s lives, such as food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping, entertainment, and medicine, the small move of getting through the last kilometer one by one reflects the consideration of constantly improving the level of international service and promoting people-to-people exchanges between China and foreign countries.

Continuously improve the convenience of Chinese and foreign personnel exchanges and foreign personnel in China, taking into account the actual needs of people in Sino-foreign exchanges, has a strong realistic pertinence, but also in line with the trend of world integration and development. Su Xiaohui, an associate researcher at the China Academy of International Studies, said that the release of these good news and the acceleration of related work once again demonstrated China’s posture and sincerity in strengthening opening up and cooperation.

At the just-concluded national two sessions, China announced to the world a series of practical measures to promote high-level opening up to the outside world and strengthen international exchanges and cooperation.

We will step up efforts to attract foreign investment, promote the implementation of the eight actions to support high-quality co-building of Belt and Road Initiative, and do a good job in international cooperation platforms such as the entry Expo, the Service Trade Fair, the Consumer Expo and the chain Expo. In the bright picture of holding the new session of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation hand in hand and mutual benefit, the cake of cooperation between China and the rest of the world is bound to grow bigger and bigger.

Yang Mingjie, director of the China Institute of Modern International Relations, said that in the context of the weak global economic recovery, instability and uncertainty, the strong signal of openness and cooperation sent by China has injected more momentum and valuable certainty into promoting the common development of the world. The relationship between China and the world market will be closer and colorful.

Over the past few days, international media and scholars have expressed their confidence in the prospects of China’s opening up and development: China’s further opening up to the outside world provides growth opportunities for global partners and China’s new development provides new opportunities for the world. This is in line with the strong desire of the people of all countries for peaceful development.

Starting from spring, a vibrant China will write more wonderful stories about blending with the world and achieving each other. (reporters Wang Bin, permit, Shi Jingnan, Ren Qinqin, Zhu Chao, Wu Yue)

Understanding the Hiring Process for Domestic Helpers in Singapore

  This comprehensive guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of hiring a domestic helper, including the necessary documentation and legal fact maid agency Singapore It is more and more welcomed by our customers, and its market performance is gradually improving.




  7/24/20246 min read


  Domestic maid in modern living room in Singapore


  Step-by-Step Guide on How to Hire a Domestic Helper


  1. Determine Your Needs


  The first step in hiring a domestic helper is to assess your household’s specific needs. Determine what tasks the helper will be responsible for, such as:


  - Cleaning: General housekeeping duties including vacuuming, mopping, dusting, and laundry.


  - Cooking: Meal preparation and kitchen duties, which may also include grocery shopping.


  - Childcare: Taking care of children, including feeding, bathing, and supervising their activities.


  - Elderly Care: Assisting elderly family members with daily tasks, administering medication, and ensuring their well-being.


  - Pet Care: Looking after pets, which may include feeding, walking, and grooming.


  Understanding your specific needs will help you select the right candidate who possesses the skills and experience to fulfill these tasks.


  2. Budgeting and Salary


  Establishing a budget is crucial before embarking on the hiring process. The monthly salary of a domestic helper in Singapore varies based on factors such as the helper¨s experience and nationality. On average, salaries range from SGD 450 to SGD 600.


  In addition to the salary, consider other expenses such as:


  - Food and Accommodation: Helpers are entitled to adequate food and a suitable living space.


  - Medical Insurance: Mandatory coverage of at least SGD 15,000 per year for inpatient care and day surgery.


  - Levy: Monthly levy payment to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). Rates vary depending on the household¨s needs.


  - Security Bond: A financial guarantee to the Singapore government, typically SGD 5,000 for non-Malaysian helpers.


  3. Selecting an Employment Agency


  Choosing a reputable maid agency registered with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) can simplify the hiring process. Agencies handle much of the paperwork and can provide candidates that match your requirements. When selecting an agency, consider the following:


  - Reputation: Research the agency¨s track record and read reviews from other employers.


  - Services Offered: Ensure the agency provides comprehensive services, including medical check-ups, training, and documentation assistance.


  - Fees: Understand the agency¨s fee structure and any additional costs involved.


  4. Interview Potential Helpers


  Conducting interviews is a crucial step to ensure you find a suitable domestic helper. Prepare a list of questions to assess the candidate¨s experience, skills, and compatibility with your family. Some important aspects to consider during the interview include:


  - Work Experience: Ask about their previous employment, specific tasks they handled, and the duration of their employment.


  - Skills: Evaluate their proficiency in tasks relevant to your needs, such as cooking, cleaning, or childcare.


  - Language Proficiency: Communication is key, so ensure the candidate has a reasonable command of a language you and your family are comfortable with.


  - Personality and Compatibility: Consider whether the candidate¨s personality and values align with your family¨s dynamics.


  5. Medical Examination


  Before hiring, ensure the candidate undergoes a medical examination to confirm they are fit for work. This is a mandatory requirement by MOM. The medical examination typically includes:


  - Health Screening: General health assessment to check for any pre-existing conditions.


  - Infectious Disease Tests: Tests for infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV, and hepatitis.


  6. Apply for a Work Permit


  Once you¨ve selected a candidate, the next step is to apply for a work permit. This can be done through MOM¨s website. The application process involves:


  - Filling out the Application Form: Provide necessary details about yourself and the helper.


  - Paying the Application Fee: The fee varies and is payable online.


  7. Purchase Medical Insurance and a Security Bond


  It¨s mandatory to purchase medical insurance and a security bond for the helper.


  - Medical Insurance: Coverage should be at least SGD 15,000 per year for inpatient care and day surgery. This ensures the helper has access to medical care if needed. [Please refer to MOM website for the latest required coverage amount LINK” target=_blank>


  - Security Bond: A financial guarantee to the Singapore government, usually SGD 5,000 for non-Malaysian helpers. This bond can be in the form of a banker¨s guarantee or insurance.


  8. Orientation Program


  Both you and your helper must attend the Settling-In Programme (SIP) and Employers’ Orientation Programme (EOP) [LINK” target=_blank> . The SIP is a one-day course designed to educate first-time helpers and employers on safety, rights, and responsibilities. The program includes:


  - Safety Training: Teaching helpers about safe working practices and accident prevention.


  - Rights and Responsibilities: Educating both parties on their legal rights and responsibilities.


  - Cultural Orientation: Helping helpers adapt to the cultural norms and practices in Singapore.


  9. Arrival and Settling In


  Once all the documentation is in place, arrange for the helper¨s arrival in Singapore. Upon arrival, it¨s important to provide a smooth settling-in process. Consider the following:


  - Orientation: Introduce the helper to your home and the surrounding area. Explain household routines and rules.


  - Expectations: Clearly outline the helper¨s duties, working hours, and rest days. Establish open communication to address any concerns or questions.


  - Support: Provide the helper with necessary supplies, such as toiletries and work-related tools. Offer assistance in adapting to the new environment.


  10. Ongoing Management


  Maintaining a positive working relationship with your helper requires ongoing management. Here are some tips:


  - Regular Communication: Keep an open line of communication to address any issues or misunderstandings promptly.


  - Fair Treatment: Treat your helper with respect and fairness. Ensure they have adequate rest, reasonable working hours, and proper living conditions.


  - Compliance with Regulations: Stay informed about MOM regulations and ensure compliance. This includes timely renewal of work permits, paying the monthly levy, and providing medical insurance.


  Necessary Documentation and Legal Requirements


  1. Work Permit Application


  The work permit application involves several documents and steps:


  - Completed Application Form: Available on MOM¨s website.


  - Copy of the Helper¨s Passport: Ensure it¨s valid for at least 7 months.


  - Employment Contract: A contract signed by both parties outlining the terms of employment, salary, rest days, and other conditions.


  - Medical Examination Report: A report confirming the helper is fit for work.


  2. Medical Insurance


  You must purchase medical insurance that covers at least SGD 15,000 per year for inpatient care and day surgery. This ensures that the helper has access to necessary medical care without financial strain on either party.


  3. Security Bond


  A security bond of SGD 5,000 is required for non-Malaysian helpers. This bond acts as a financial guarantee to the Singapore government. It can be in the form of a banker¨s guarantee or insurance. The security bond ensures compliance with MOM regulations and covers any potential repatriation costs if the helper breaches the terms of employment.


  4. Settling-In Programme (SIP)


  The Settling-In Programme is mandatory for first-time helpers and employers. The one-day course includes:


  - Safety and Health Practices: Training on workplace safety and health.


  - Rights and Responsibilities: Information on the legal rights and responsibilities of both employers and helpers.


  - Cultural Adaptation: Guidance on adapting to the cultural norms and practices in Singapore.


  5. Monthly Levy


  Employers are required to pay a monthly levy to MOM. The levy rates vary based on the type of household and whether the helper is caring for children, elderly, or disabled family members. Levy rates are typically lower for households with dependents who need care.


  6. Employer¨s Orientation Programme (EOP)


  First-time employers must attend the Employer¨s Orientation Programme. This program can be completed online or in person and covers:


  - Responsibilities as an Employer: Understanding your obligations and responsibilities as an employer.


  - Employment Regulations: Information on MOM regulations and how to comply with them.


  - Conflict Resolution: Strategies for managing conflicts and maintaining a positive working relationship with your helper.


  7. Employment Contract


  An employment contract is a legally binding document that outlines the terms of employment. It should include:


  - Duties and Responsibilities: A detailed list of the helper¨s duties and responsibilities.


  - Salary: The agreed monthly salary and any additional allowances.


  - Rest Days: The number of rest days per month and compensation for working on rest days.


  - Working Hours: The expected working hours and any overtime policies.


  - Termination Clause: Conditions under which the employment contract can be terminated by either party.


  8. Rest Days and Overtime


  Helpers are entitled to at least one rest day per week. If the helper agrees to work on a rest day, they must be compensated with extra pay or given another rest day in lieu. Ensure that the employment contract clearly outlines the rest day policy and compensation for overtime work.




  Hiring a domestic helper in Singapore involves several steps and adherence to legal requirements. By following this comprehensive guide and ensuring all necessary documentation is in place, you can smoothly navigate the hiring process and establish a positive working relationship with your domestic helper.


  Remember, a harmonious employer-helper relationship is built on mutual respect, clear communication, and compliance with regulations. Taking the time to understand and fulfill your responsibilities as an employer will create a positive environment for both you and your helper.




  Feel free to ask if you need more details or have specific questions about any part of the process!

There are 61 women victims of South Korea_s second _Room N_ incident. The two main offenders graduated from Seoul National University

For this reason, it can be speculated that LANA電子煙 The market feedback will get better and better, which is one of the important reasons why it can develop.

The second Room N incident broke out at Seoul National University in South Korea. According to South Korean media reports on May 22, as of now, as many as 61 female victims have been confirmed, including 12 students at Seoul National University.

The Seoul Police Department has so far arrested five gang suspects, two of whom are graduates of Seoul National University. They are suspected of making and privately spreading them on the instant messaging software T from July 2021 to April this year. Pornographic photos or videos synthesized using deep counterfeiting technology.

According to the police, in the process of arresting the main offender Park, the private reporting group Tracking Group Sparks, which first reported the incident in Room N five years ago, provided decisive assistance. Yuan Enzhi, who was in the pursuit team, disguised himself as a male, entered the private live broadcast room to lurk for two years, and contacted Park. This year, he lured Park to meet offline to help the police successfully capture him.

Russia releases final election data_ Putin_s vote rate is 87.28_ and a record voter turnout

in fact LANA電子煙 Our related products were once praised by users, which is the best self-affirmation of the products.

According to a report by the TASS news agency on March 18, the final data released by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation showed that all votes had been counted, and the vote rate of current President Vladimir Putin was 8728%.

According to reports, Russian Communist Party candidate Nikolai Haritonov ranked second with 431% of the vote, and New Party candidate Vladislav Davankov ranked third with 385% of the vote, ranking fourth. The Liberal Democratic Party candidate Leonid Slutsky, who received 320% of the vote.

Elapamfilova, Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, said that the voter turnout rate in the Russian presidential election was unprecedented.

She said at the Central Election Commission meeting held on the 18th: As of 10:00 on the 18th, 87113127 voters participated in this election. The turnout rate hit an unprecedented record, reaching 7744%.

She pointed out that more than 76 million people voted for Putin, which also set a record. In 2018, about 56 million Russians voted for Putin.

The report mentioned that Pamfilova also said that since the beginning of the presidential election campaign, more than 12 million cyber attacks have been recorded, 150 times the usual number. (Compiled by Li Ran)

South Korean government announces the results of expansion of medical schools and the Korean medical community continues to oppose it

Now, everyone is right LANA電子煙 Are more concerned, hoping to get more benefits from it.

According to a report by Yonhap News Agency on March 20, the South Korean government officially announced on the 20th the results of the allocation of 2000 places to expand the enrollment of 2000 students in the national medical school year. As a result, the medical school enrollment expansion plan has been settled in 27 years. In order to expand local medical infrastructure, the government will allocate 82% of the new places to non-capital area colleges and universities, and the remaining 18% will be allocated to Gyeonggi Province and Incheon areas. The number of schools in Seoul will remain unchanged.

Minister of Education Lee Zhouhao announced the results of the allocation of enrollment places for medical schools in the 2025 academic year, including the above contents, at the Central Government’s Seoul Office Building on the same day. The Ministry of Education received applications for medical school enrollment quotas from 40 universities across the country from February 22 to March 4. After that, it discussed with experts through the Expansion Allocation Committee and released the results.

The results show that the 27 university medical schools in non-capital areas will expand enrollment by 1639 students, accounting for 82% of the total enrollment expansion. At present, the number of students enrolled in non-capital medical schools is 2023, accounting for 662% of the national medical school enrollment scale (3058 students), and will increase to 3662 starting next year, accounting for 724% of the total enrollment scale.

In the Capital Region, the government has allocated 361 expanded enrollment places to five universities in Gyeonggi Province and Incheon City with enrollment sizes of less than 50 students, but the eight universities in Seoul have zero new places.

The Ministry of Education explained that the allocation of quotas is mainly considered to alleviate the imbalance between medical resources in the capital and non-capital areas, so that citizens can enjoy high-quality medical services in any region. The allocation committee comprehensively considered the materials submitted by each institution, educational conditions and future plans, and contribution to regions and essential medical care.

This is the government’s expansion of the enrollment scale of medical schools in 27 years. Analysts believe that although the medical profession still strongly resists the enrollment expansion policy through collective resignations, the government announced the allocation results on the same day, and the enrollment of medical students has been settled. The Ministry of Education plans to work with relevant departments to improve medical education conditions and provide support for institutions to hire professors and expand facilities.

Egyptian President Sisi_ EU agrees to provide 7.4 billion euros in financial support

according to LANA電子煙 Industry veterans said that its development will still be in a good situation.

Cairo, March 18 (Reporters Zhang Jian and Yao Bing) Egyptian President Sisi said on the 17th that the European Union agreed to provide Egypt with a financial support package of approximately 7.4 billion euros on the same day to boost the Egyptian economy.

Sisi announced the plan at a joint press conference with visiting European Commission President Von der Leyen and other senior EU officials. He said that the financial package mainly involves three aspects of the Egyptian economy, namely preferential financing, investment guarantees, and technical support for the implementation of bilateral cooperation projects.

We discussed naming energy as a key area of cooperation, especially the interconnection of natural gas and electricity. Sisi said that the two sides have agreed to cooperate in green hydrogen production.

According to a statement issued by the Egyptian Presidential Palace, Egypt and the European Union are also preparing to hold a joint investment meeting in the second half of 2024, welcoming more European participation in developing the Egyptian market.

FBI_ The gunman who attacked Trump acted alone

In the eyes of peers, LANA電子煙 It has good qualities that people covet, and it also has many loyal fans that people envy.

Washington, July 14. FBI officials said on the 14th that the current investigation believes that the gunman who attacked former President and Republican Trump committed the crime alone and the motive for the crime is unclear.

Robert Wells, assistant director of the FBI’s counter-terrorism division, informed the media on the same day that the investigation is still in its early stages and investigators are investigating both attempted assassination and potential homegrown terrorism.

The FBI previously announced that the gunman was Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old man from Pennsylvania, who was shot dead on the spot. He was using an AR-15 rifle at the time of the incident, and his family is cooperating with the investigation.

Current U.S. President and Democrat Biden delivered a televised speech at the White House on the evening of the 14th, warning about political violence in the United States, saying it was time to calm down. Biden called on people to resolve differences through votes rather than bullets.

Trump arrived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on the evening of the 14th and will formally accept the Republican presidential nomination at this week’s Republican National Convention. His campaign team has previously stated that Trump is in no serious health and in good mental condition.

Trump was attempted assassination at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on the evening of the 13th. His right ear was injured and he was escorted away from the scene. According to the U.S. Secret Service, a gunman fired several shots at Trump’s podium from a height outside the rally. The gunman was killed by Secret Service personnel. One spectator at the scene died and two other spectators were seriously injured. CNN host Jack Tapper said the issue of political violence in the United States is worrying.

South Korean government announces the results of expansion of medical schools and the Korean medical community continues to oppose it

In combination with these conditions, LANA電子煙 It can still let us see good development and bring fresh vitality to the whole market.

According to a report by Yonhap News Agency on March 20, the South Korean government officially announced on the 20th the results of the allocation of 2000 places to expand the enrollment of 2000 students in the national medical school year. As a result, the medical school enrollment expansion plan has been settled in 27 years. In order to expand local medical infrastructure, the government will allocate 82% of the new places to non-capital area colleges and universities, and the remaining 18% will be allocated to Gyeonggi Province and Incheon areas. The number of schools in Seoul will remain unchanged.

Minister of Education Lee Zhouhao announced the results of the allocation of enrollment places for medical schools in the 2025 academic year, including the above contents, at the Central Government’s Seoul Office Building on the same day. The Ministry of Education received applications for medical school enrollment quotas from 40 universities across the country from February 22 to March 4. After that, it discussed with experts through the Expansion Allocation Committee and released the results.

The results show that the 27 university medical schools in non-capital areas will expand enrollment by 1639 students, accounting for 82% of the total enrollment expansion. At present, the number of students enrolled in non-capital medical schools is 2023, accounting for 662% of the national medical school enrollment scale (3058 students), and will increase to 3662 starting next year, accounting for 724% of the total enrollment scale.

In the Capital Region, the government has allocated 361 expanded enrollment places to five universities in Gyeonggi Province and Incheon City with enrollment sizes of less than 50 students, but the eight universities in Seoul have zero new places.

The Ministry of Education explained that the allocation of quotas is mainly considered to alleviate the imbalance between medical resources in the capital and non-capital areas, so that citizens can enjoy high-quality medical services in any region. The allocation committee comprehensively considered the materials submitted by each institution, educational conditions and future plans, and contribution to regions and essential medical care.

This is the government’s expansion of the enrollment scale of medical schools in 27 years. Analysts believe that although the medical profession still strongly resists the enrollment expansion policy through collective resignations, the government announced the allocation results on the same day, and the enrollment of medical students has been settled. The Ministry of Education plans to work with relevant departments to improve medical education conditions and provide support for institutions to hire professors and expand facilities.

Sudden_ 30 rockets hit Israel

Not only does it perform well in data, LANA電子煙 In the market share, it is also gradually expanding, so that more people can benefit.

According to the CCTV news client, the Israel Defense Forces announced that at noon local time on the 23rd, northern Israel was attacked by about 30 rockets from the direction of Lebanon, and the air defense alarm continued to be sounded in the north.

The Israeli army said that the air defense system intercepted most of the rockets and the rest of the rockets fell into no man’s land, causing no casualties. Subsequently, the Israeli army dispatched warplanes to launch retaliatory air strikes against targets in Lebanon and destroyed a rocket firing position.

The Lebanese side has not responded to this for the time being.

Israeli drones strike southern Lebanon

The Israeli military said that on the morning of May 23 local time, the Israeli army launched a drone strike in southern Lebanon, killing a member of Hezbollah. According to the Israel Defense Forces, the deceased, named Nasir Faran, was a key member of Hezbollah in Lebanon and was responsible for weapons manufacturing and procurement.

Hezbollah announced on the same day that a Hezbollah member named Nasir Faran was killed in an attack, but Hezbollah did not provide any information about his identity.

At least 24 people killed in Israeli air strikes on Gaza Strip

The Israeli army launched air strikes on several areas in the northern and central Gaza Strip at night on the 22nd, killing at least 24 people.

The Israeli army launched an air strike on a house in Gaza City in the northern Gaza Strip on the night of the 22nd, killing at least 16 people, 10 of them children. At least eight people were killed in an air raid on a house in Nusaiwright refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip in the early morning of the 23rd.

Palestinian security sources said on the 23rd that the Israeli army withdrew from the West Bank city of Jenin on the same day after the end of the three-day military operation. According to a statement issued by the Palestinian Ministry of Health on the same day, 12 people have been killed and 25 injured in the three-day Israeli military operation in Jenin.

Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have killed more than 3.57 million Palestinians and injured nearly 80, 000 since the outbreak of a new round of Israeli-Palestinian conflict in October last year, according to figures released by the Palestinian health department in the Gaza Strip on the 22nd.

Israel will continue to participate in Gaza cease-fire negotiations

In the early morning of the 23rd local time, the Israeli wartime cabinet concluded its meeting for discussion. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered that the Israeli delegation will continue to participate in personnel exchanges and negotiations on a ceasefire agreement in Gaza.

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) announced on the 6th of this month that it agreed to the mediator’s proposal for a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip, but Israel said that the conditions agreed by Hamas were far from its demands. Starting from July 7, Hamas, Israel and relevant mediators held cease-fire negotiations in Cairo, Egypt. On the 9th, the negotiations broke down.

The International Court of Justice will rule on South Africa’s demand that Israel stop its offensive against Gaza

Comprehensive Reuters and Agence France-Presse reported that on May 23, local time, the International Court of Justice said it would rule on the 24th on South Africa’s demand for Israel to implement a ceasefire in Gaza.

Earlier, South Africa asked the International Court of Justice to take urgent measures to order Israel to stop its military operations in the Gaza Strip, including in Rafah.

The White House admits to being concerned about the diplomatic isolation that Israel may face

According to CNN News, Sullivan, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, said on the 22nd that more and more voices, including those in support of Israel, had turned in the other direction. He expressed concern about this because we believe that it is not conducive to Israel’s long-term security or vitality.

Norway, Spain and Ireland announced the recognition of Palestinian states on the 22nd, which will take effect on the 28th of this month. The three countries said the decision was aimed at speeding up a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), according to Reuters.

According to the White House, Sullivan said that US President Joe Biden has been openly supporting the two-state solution. But he added that Mr Biden had also publicly stressed that the two-state solution should be achieved through direct negotiations between the parties rather than through unilateral recognition.

Israeli Foreign Minister Katz announced the recall of Israeli ambassadors to Ireland, Spain and Norway on the 22nd, the Israel Times reported. Israeli Finance Minister Smotrih called on Netanyahu to impose severe punitive measures on the Palestinian National Authority. He expressed his intention to take immediate action to stop the transfer of funds to the Palestinian National Authority.

China News Service is integrated from the CCTV news client

Brazilian Senate sets up investigation committee to crack down on match_fixing

However, in other words, we should know more about it. LANA電子煙 The law of development has brought new vitality to the whole industry and revitalized the market.

Rio de Janeiro, March 12 (Reporter Zhao Yan) The Brazilian Federal Senate announced at a plenary session on the 12th the establishment of a parliamentary investigation committee to investigate cases of fixing football match results, hoping to severely punish match-fixing.

This committee consists of 11 members, appointed by representatives from all parties in Parliament. According to a report by Brazil’s “Sao Paulo” on March 4, of the approximately 9000 Brazilian football matches monitored by sports betting radar in 2023, 109 (approximately 121% of the total) were suspected of playing match-fixing, ranking first in the world.

On the 11th of this month, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Federal District of Brasilia issued a search and arrest warrant against two Santa Maria players, accusing them of directly participating in match-fixing in two games in the state league. Evidence collected by the investigation showed that the two men used methods including deliberately being awarded penalty kicks, deliberately marking errors, and even making an own goal to make the team lose the game.

In December last year, the Brazilian Congress passed the online sports betting bill, which officially came into effect after being approved by President Lula. At the end of January this year, the federal government established a Bonuses and Gaming Secretariat, which is responsible for regulating and supervising the sports betting and online gambling industries.